Chapter 36

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Author's notes
Well I don't have much to say so, if you like this chapter vote, feel free to comment because I enjoy reading them, and share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 36, enjoy.

It had been two days since Darkari gave Ash the vision of the future. Ash never told the rest of the gang about his visit with Darkari so not to scare them. Ash did his best to keep it from them, but they could tell something was up. Considering how close they are to finding the ninja village, they assumed that he was just eager to learn more about Greninja's new form.

Currently the group has stopped for lunch. "So how much further to the village," asked Korrina. "According to the map Olympia showed us it should be near by," said Clemont as he worked on lunch, with Serena's help. "Hey Ash, I know you can eat alot, but this is alot even for you. Why did you ask us to make so much," asked Serena. "You'll see soon enough," said Ash as he continued the practice battle between Pikachu and Greninja.

"Lunch is ready," Serena called. Everyone made there way to the table. "So Ash, mind telling me why you asked us to make extra food," asked Clemont. "Better, I'll show you." Ash looked at Greninja, "are they still there?" Greninja nodded. "Great." "Who's where," asked Serena. "You'll see," said Ash as he faced the forest and cupped his hands around his mouth. "Hey, it's rude to spy on people. How about you join us for lunch and we can talk," Ash yelled. Just then two figures jumped out of a near by tree and landed about five feet in front of Ash. The first figure was a Greninja, the other was a young man, about there age, dressed as a ninja. "Nice to meet you. My name is Ash." Ash extended his right hand. The ninja had one hand on his sword, ready to draw it, as he looked at Ash and the others, and tried to determine if they were a threat. After a few seconds the ninja decided to trust his instincts, and took his hand off of his sword. "Hello, my name is Sanpei," said the ninja as he shook Ash's hand. "Nice to meet you Sanpei. Would you and your Greninja care to join us for lunch," asked Ash. "We would, thank you." Ash lead them to the table and introduced him to the rest of the gang.
"So what brings you all out this way," asked Sanpei. "We're looking for your village," replied Ash. "Sorry to disappoint you, but your no where close to my village," Sanpei said casualy. The girls then glared at Clemont, who was navigating, believing what Sanpei said. But before Clemont could defend himself Ash spoke up, "if that's the case then why were you spying on us?" "Just working on testing my skills to see how close I could get without being noticed. It didn't hurt that you travel with such beautiful women," Sanpei said with a slight blush. "Well thank you, happy you noticed," Bonnie replied without skipping a beat. This caused Sanpei to sweat drop. Bonnie then started to snicker, showing that she was just messing with him. Even though Ash thought it was a little funny, he had to keep things on topic, "First, these ladies are already spoken for, even Bonnie. Her love interest is just off on his own journey." This caused Bonnie to cover her face as she was blushing, and the others giggled. "Second, I know we are close to the ninja village. Olympia showed us a map that showed where it is," Ash continued. "What's your business with my village," Sanpei asked. "About a week ago my Frogadier evolved into Greninja in a battle against Olympia. Also during this battle he took on a different form," Ash explained. This caused Sanpei to stop eating and look right at Ash, showing Ash he knew what he was talking about. Ash then continued, "Olympia had a little bit of information about it, but said the ninja village had more." Sanpei looked up as he thought, then looked Ash right in the eyes, "your Greninja took a new form?" "Yes." "I'll escort you to the village."

After finishing lunch and cleaning up Sanpei did as he said and brought them to a cave at the base of a large plateau. "This is the entrance," said Sanpei as they arrived at the cave. "You live inside the plateau," asked Korrina. "Not in the way you think, it will be easier for you to see it than for me to explain," replied Sanpei. They walked into the cave, and didn't get far before Sanpei stopped. "Let me guess, your village doesn't like visitors and they are here to get rid of unwanted guests," Ash asked Sanpei. "Your skills are sharp Ash." Just then a dozen ninja appeared and surrounded them. Ash immediately took a defensive position in front of Serena, as Clemont and Korrina did the same with Bonnie. Half the ninja had a hand on their sword, while the other half had pokeballs ready. The ninjas stood there, not moving as if they were waiting for instructions, then a voice from behind them spoke, "what is the meaning of this Sanpei!" "Kagetomo, they were sent by Olympia, they are here to see the chief," Sanpei explained. "We have rules about outsiders, or have you forgotten. We do not know if they are a threat," Kagetomo said back angrily. "My instincts about people have never been wrong before, and they tell me they are no threat," Sanpei said back, trying to stay calm. Kagetomo pulled his arm back across his body and released it to hit Sanpei, but the hand was stopped by another ninja. "Don't hit my brother Kagetomo," said the ninja. "He brought outsiders," Kagetomo said back angrily as he pointed to the gang. "They are no threat. Also I had good reason," Sanpei said to his brother. "Really, and what is that reason," his brother asked. "The one with the Pikachu has a Greninja that took on another form." This got Kagetomo and Sanpei's brothers attention. "We need to take them to the chief, now," said the brother. "We can't let them just walk in here just like that. I don't care about your brothers instincts, precautions must be taken," said Kagetomo. "You are right. I'm sorry brother, but we must be careful." Sanpei's brother looked at Ash and the others, "My name is Ippei. We will take you to see our chief, but first I must ask that you relinquish your belongings, as well as your Pokemon. They will be returned to you later after you have been deemed, not a threat." Reluctantly the gang started to hand their bags to the other ninja. "Put that rat in its pokeball," Kagetomo said to Ash. "Sorry, but he doesn't like being in a pokeball," explained Ash. "I don't care, your the trainer, make it," Kagetomo said back. "No," Ash said defiantly. Kagetomo was about to pull out his sword, but was stopped by Ippei. "Very well, he can stay with your belongings," said Ippei. Pikachu then jumped off Ash and onto his backpack, squishy and Dedenne did the same with Bonnie's.

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