Chapter 27

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In a mountain range, there is a mountain with a large tree on top. At the base of the tree there is a small shrine filled with tasty treats. And eating those treats are a large number of Phantump along with many of the other local wild Pokemon. The Pokemon are all eating and playing together happily without a care in the world. Suddenly a psy beam and dark pulse burst through the leaves hitting the ground near several Pokemon. The wild Pokemon began to panic as chaos erupted with the wild Pokemon shooting attacks in every direction. One of the enemy Pokemon emerges, several Pokemon attack it, but it uses mirror coat sending the attacks back at them. Then electrified nets come out of nowhere and catch them. Other Pokemon try to come to their aid but the are stopped by another Pokemon using leach seed, catching them in the vines as it saps away their strength. A Phantump with a white head and blue eyes uses forest curse on the attacking Pokemon followed by will-o-wisp. But the will-o-wisp is countered by psy beam. Then another Pokemon uses furry swipe to break the others free. The Phantump stands his ground, unwavering and uses shadowball, but one of the Pokemon use mirror coat again, sending the attack back along with two of the others using psy beam, and dark pulse sending the Phantump flying into the air off of the mountain. Just then two humans walk out of the bushes, "Well quite a catch we got here." Said a female. "Indead, I'm sure this will put us back in the bosses good graces." Said a male. The captured Pokemon just looked back at the humans with a look of pure terror as they walked closer with a evil grin.

Near the base of the same mountain Ash and the others just finished a tasty breakfast of fresh pastries made by Serena. Ash and Bonnie were cleaning the dishes, Clemont was working on a new invention, Korrina was training with her Pokemon, and Serena is seeing Absol's moves so she can see how in incorporate him into her next showcase performance. Earlier this morning Serena received an email announcing her next showcase was going to be in Anistar City, and she wanted that to be Absol's debut. As she watch's Absol's moves she is also wondering if she will ever form a strong enough bond with Absol so he can Mega Evolve. Ash gave Serena the Key Stone that Alain gave him, stating that it made more sense for her to have it since he couldn't mega evolve any of his Pokemon. Serena accepted it, and incorporated it into her outfit, inside the knot of the blue ribbon that she wore that Ash gave her.

Pokemon speech translated

Ash and Bonnie were putting the dishes away when, "BOOM!" Everyone looked towards the source of the explosion and saw Clemont covered in soot and his hair in an afro with his latest invention in pieces in front of him. On the other side was Ash's Gengar Laughing hysterically. "Ash you need to do something about Gengar. This is the second invention of mine that exploded since you rotated him in." Clemont said as he patted the soot off of his clothes. "Relax big brother, the way your inventions go it probably would have exploded anyways." Clemont then hung his head, "your probably right." Korrina walked over and hugged Clemont from the side as she tried to cheer him up. Bonnie ran off to go play with Dedenne and Ash was about to go train his Pokemon when something suddenly hit Ash right in the head, sending him to the ground. "ASH!" everyone yelled. Everyone, Pokemon and human alike, ran to him to see if he was ok. "Ow, what hit me." Ash groaned as he sat up. Everyone looked a few feet away from Ash a saw a small black Pokemon with a white head. Serena used her pokedex to determine it was a Phantump. "This Phantump doesn't look like the one in the pokedex." Bonnie commented. "Its what's called a shiny Pokemon." Clemont said. Ash noticed Bonnie looked a bit confused so he explained, "shiny is a term used to describe Pokemon that are different colors than the average Pokemon of its kind." At that moment the Phantump started to stir. Everyone watched as Ash got in front of it. Slowly the Phantump's eyes opened, when it saw Ash it panicked and fired a shadow ball at him. Gengar quickly got in front of Ash and took the hit. When the dust cleared Gengar was still standing strong, having bearly taken any damage. Gengar was about to fire a shadow ball of his own, but was stopped by Ash. Ash walked up to the Phantump and knelt down, "You didnt want to hurt me, you were just scared right?" The Phantump nodded. "So, how about you tell me how you ended up hitting my head." "Not like you would understand any words I say." Said the Phantump. Ash smiled, "oh you'd be suprised." "Wait, what? You understand me?" Ash nodded. "Ok then, this is different." Phantump took a deep breath, "I'm from a small community of wild Pokemon that live on top of that mountain. This morning while we were all happily eating we were attacked by some trainers and their Pokemon, but this wasn't normal. We've been attacked by trainers before, but this was different. When they attacked they attacked us all, and they threw nets that shocked us instead of pokeballs. I was fighting as hard as I could, but when I was the last one left three of the Pokemon attacked me at once sending me flying of the mountain." Phantump looked up at Ash and saw a look of anger plastered on his face. "Sounds like Pokemon hunters to me, not trainers." Said Ash. "You want to try and help don't you?" Serena asked asked Ash. Ash looked at her and nodded, the others then looked at each other and nodded. "In that case were coming with you." Said Clemont. Then they heard Phantump's stomach rumble, "I guess the battle left me a little hungry." The Phantump said sweat dropping. Even though Serena couldn't understand what Phantump said, she could understand a rumbling stomach, "here Phantump it's a pokepuff." Phantump took the pokepuff and gave a happy cry as a thanks as he ate it.

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