Chapter 46

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Authors notes:
Alright here we go, I'm finally back with another chapter. I would like to thank you all on your patience with me. I did start a one shot book because I've got way too many ideas in my head. It's already got two one shots in it with plans for more. I would put a link to it here, but I forgot how to do that. But you can find it on my profile.
Now to business, this chapter will have the last of Serena's planned performances. I say planned because if I come up with an idea that would require Serena to perform again, it might happen. This chapter will has two performances in it, the first is brought to you by Zorua05 and the second is by killerdude123. These two have written all of the performances, so a big thank you to both of them for their hard work.
Now with all that out of the way, if you like this chapter vote, feel free to comment, and share this story with your friends. I now present to you, chapter 46, enjoy.

The gang was standing at a large metal fence in Gloire City looking at a large castle. This castle was the traditional site of the Master Class. Inside the fence people were setting up, cleaning, testing equipment, and making sure everything was perfect. "This is it. Tomorrow, this is where we're going to take all mine and my Pokemons hard work and put it to the test," said Serena. "And then you'll be named the next Kalos Queen," said Ash as he put his right arm around Serena. "Not if I have anything to say about it." Everyone turned to their back left to see the source of the voice, and saw none other than Shauna and Tierno walking up. "Tomorrow I'm going to become Kalos Queen," said Shauna with a smile. "Oh please, I was born to become Kalos Queen," said another voice. Everyone looked to the right, and saw Miette with her right arm wrapped around Paul's left. "Unlike you two, I'm actually royalty. It's only fitting for me to become Kalos Queen," teased Miette. All three girls looked at each other with serious expressions until they each started smiling, then they came together, gave each other a hug, and congratulated one another for making it to the Master Class.

Tierno and Paul walked over to Ash and the others and greeted each other, and Ash introduced Paul to Tierno. "So I take it Miette's father agreed to let you be her security then," Ash commented to Paul. But before Paul could answer Miette did it for him. "He would have been crazy not to. My father agreed to allow it if he could beat each member of my old detail in a Pokemon battle, and then him." "So I take it you won then," said Tierno. Once again Miette answered for Paul, sounding very excited, "he didn't just beat them, he humiliated them. He beat all five of them at once with only one Pokemon, and then he beat my father with the same Pokemon right after." "What Pokemon did you use," asked Tierno sounding nervous. Now it was Ash's turn to answer for Paul, "you used Torterra didn't you?" Paul looked at everyone without saying a word, "good, just making sure nobody was going to  answer for me again. Yes I used Torterra." "What was really amazing was that my father had a type advantage with his Pyroar, but Paul still won with one hit," Miette gushed as she hugged Paul's arm. Everyone except Ash looked at Paul shocked that he was apparently able to win with only one hit with a type disadvantage. All the while Ash look  unfazed by this information. Tierno noticed this and became confused by Ash behavior. "Ash aren't you at all suprised or nervous by this? I mean, what if he enters the Kalos League and we have to face him and that Torterra," Tierno asked. "I look forward to it, that would be a good match. You are still entering the league right," Ash asked. "That's right, already got four badges," Paul replied as he pulled out his badge case and opened it as proof.

A little while later they were all enjoying dinner together at the Pokemon Center. Shauna, Miette, and Serena were all talking about the Master Class and becoming Kalos Queen. Finally Paul decided to add something, "Well this whole showcase thing seems too over the top for my taste." "And what do you mean by that," Miette asked sounding a bit annoyed. The look on Miette's face made everyone nervous for Paul, but he just looked her right in the eyes again completely unfazed by it as he spoke again. "Quite simply, they go a bit too far into the whole royalty theme. I mean they built an actual castle for this," Paul explained. "Well it would look over the top for someone who doesn't know the history behind all of this," said Miette as her expression changed to a more understanding one as she continued to explain. "You see, it all goes back to the last true queen of Kalos, right after we changed from a monarchy to a democracy. You see the Queen loved performances, she would even do her own. She saw all the Pokemon battling tournaments, but saw there was nothing for performers. So she started the Master Class tournament. At first there weren't alot of performers, but as it became more popular even more performers started to enter. After only a few years there were too many performers and they had to put a cap on how many could enter. The Queen didn't like not giving them all a chance, so she started the showcases to give everyone a chance, and leaving it as it is today. As for the castle, since she ran everything with the help of several advisors out of that very castle, when she passed away she left the castle to the showcase board. To honor her they changed the title to Kalos Queen, and continue to hold the Master Class here at Gloire Castle every year."

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