Chapter 38

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Authors notes:
Welcome, and thank you for coming back and joining me for chapter 38. Today we will have another performance, brought to you by PLanford, so thank you PLanford for your hard work. Since I have nothing else, I now present to you Chapter 38. Enjoy.

It was dawn in Couriway Town, the gang arrived last night for Serena's next Pokemon performance. Korrina and Clemont are training with their Pokemon. Which was just running for Clemont to get him in shape. Early on Korrina decided it would be a great idea for their Pokemon to join them on the morning runs, especially Quiliden since he eats so much. At first Clemont liked the idea because Luxray could carry him when he would get too tired, but Korrina caught on and explained to Luxray not to help him. Saying this was for Clemont's health and she wanted her and Clemont to have a nice long life together. Now Luxray runs behind Clemont to give him a little push when he tries to stop, and shocks Quiliden when he does the same.

Serena is running through her performance, polishing every rough spot. Ultimately Serena thinks the performance looks great, and it does. Her only concern was Eevee. Eevee's shy behavior around new people is the only concern she has, since they will be in front of a large audience. Eevee continues to act brave, but every once in a while, Eevee is obviously nervous. In the end though Serena is proud of Eevee to have come so far and to be willing to get in front of the crowd to perform.

Ash finished part of his training already, and his Pokemon are enjoying a break. The rest of the training will happen after Ash works with Bonnie on her Aura training. Ash and Bonnie are both walking through town towards what Ash called a good area to train. "Are we there yet," Bonnie wined. "Bonnie we've only been walking for five minutes, but yes we are," Ash said as they came to a ledge at the waterfalls, near where Serena's performance was going to be held. Ash chose this location because he was trying to avoid the distractions at the Pokemon center. Those distractions being all the performers practicing their routines. Bonnie walked over to the edge, then looked back at Ash. "What am I supposed to do? Meditate under the water fall," Bonnie asked. Ash looked at her confused, "you can if you want, but I'm staying dry. Why would you think I wanted you to do that?" Bonnie covered her face in embarrassment, "nevermind, let's just get started." Ash and Bonnie sat there on the ledge of almost an hour with no progress. "Aghh, this is so frustrating. I just can't get it," Bonnie yelled out. "Bonnie relax. This is only the second day of this, its going to take time," Ash said trying to calm Bonnie down. "Can't you just teach me how to understand Pokemon instead," Bonnie Asked. Ash sighed, "we've been over this, you need to be able to see aura before I can teach you anything else. It's literally step one of training, if you can't do that then you can't do anything else. Now close your eyes and let's try again."

Pokemon speech translated

Meanwhile Dedenne, Pikachu, and Squishy are off to the side resting. Dedenne looks over and sees Squishy laying out in the sun and the red hexagon on his body began to glow. "So Squishy, how does it feel when you absorb sunlight like that? Do you feel full like we do," asked Dedenne. "No. I feel energized, almost like being well rested," Squishy replied without opening his eye. "So what, when you feel exhausted you just need to lay out in the sun to feel like you have energy again? Why not just sleep," Dedenne asked. "Essentially yes. Sleeping is only to conserve my strength so I have it when I need it," Squishy replied, slightly annoyed. "So what do you do on cloudy days? And when do you need it, for battles?" Dedenne's questions were starting to really annoy Squishy. He just wanted to rest, not answer a million questions. But he did his best to be patient with him since it was just innocent curiosity. He did however wonder why Pikachu wasn't asking any questions, did Ash reveal his identity to him. He decided to not worry about it and took a deep breath to calm down. "Cloudy days I sleep more. And yes, battles," Squishy replied sounding more calm. "So what kind of attacks do you use in these battles," Dedenne asked. Dedenne was truly testing Squishy's patience, thankfully Pikachu finally spoke up. "Dedenne I would stop if I were you." "Why," asked Dedenne as he turned to Pikachu. "When you get older you'll learn, but I'll teach you this now. The only Pokemon that don't eat food like we do, other than Pokemon like magnimite, are either legendary or mythical Pokemon," Pikachu explained. Dedenne gasped, "Squishy is a legendary or mythical pokemon?" "I think so," Pikachu said looking at Squishy. "Wait, you only think? So you don't really know. Then he could just be a new Pokemon just like you or me," Dedenne said back. "That's true he could be, but from my experience I'm pretty sure I'm right." "Why not just ask Ash since he knows." "He won't tell me, which further supports my theory. When Ash makes a promise he keeps it, and Squishy wanted his identity kept secret. So Squishy must be a Pokémon known in Kalos, but either no one knows what he looks like, or he has a different form that people would recognize that isn't this one."

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