Chapter 7

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After they broke the hug they explained to everyone how they knew each other. They then were about to leave but stopped by two pokemon, a Froakie and a Chespin. Froakie gave his pokeball to Ash and Chespin gave his to Clemont. Sycamore smiled, "It looks like this time, the Pokemon picked their trainers. For all that you've done, you two can take them if you want." Ash knelt down and held out Froakie's pokeball, "So you want to come along, well ok then, welcome to the family." Froakie smiled and bumped the ball with his fist and was sucked inside. Clemont also welcomed Chespin, much to Bonnie's glee as she would get to help take care of it.

"So Serena what brings you out to start your journey now", Ash was curious, he wanted to find out before he, for the first time ever would ask someone to travel with him instead of people inviting them selves or them asking him if they can come. "Well I just felt the time was right to get out there." "So do you have a dream your chasing?", Ash hoped it was something she could achieve while traveling. Serena wanted to tell him right then and there that he was her dream, to be with him forever. However she decided against it considering they just met again for the first time in almost nine years. "Actually I was wanting to try Pokemon performing, and eventually maybe Kalos Queen." Ash was confused at first since Pokemon performing was only big in Kalos. Serena picked up on this and explained what it was, which Ash was relieved that Kalos Queen was just a title, and not an actual royal position. He then asked the question that was going to either bring him joy, or making him feel like he got punched in the gut. "So Serena, since these showcases are all over the region, would you like to travel with us?" Serena looked down, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother." Ash walked over and put a hand on her shoulder, causing her too look up to see Ash looking at her with a warm smile. "There is no way you would be a bother." This caused Serena to blush and smile. "Ok then, in that case I would love to travel with you." Everyone smiled from this answer. In there minds, Ash and Serena were both jumping for joy excited to be traveling with the love of each of there lives, Clemont happy because he believes in the thought the more the merrier, and Bonnie because now it will be easier to get Ash and Serena together. With that they all headed to Santalune city for Ash's first gym badge.

As they traveled through the forest to Santalune city they admired the natural beauty of the path. Well Clemont and Bonnie were, Ash and Serena were too busy stealing glances at one another when the other was distracted by something. For instance when Ash saw a Fletchling and decided to capture it he was focused on that for a while. So Serena had plenty of time to admire everything about him, from his determination, quick thinking, his muscular arms. She tried to push that thought out, but couldn't help it. She just wanted him to wrap those arms around her and hold her. She then started to wonder, how muscular the rest of him was. From there hug earlier she could tell he was pretty solid, but she wanted to see with her own eyes, and since they were traveling together she knew she just had to be patient and she would eventually see him without a shirt. After Ash caught Fletchling she had to keep herself from staring again, she was confident no body noticed. However, Bonnie did notice, and with a smile wondered why no one else could seem to notice what she saw between them.

Eventually, it got late and they decided to stay at the Pokemon Center for the night. They got two rooms, Bonnie and Serena in one room, Clemont and Ash and another.

"I'm so happy that this Pokemon center was here, I wasn't looking forward to spending the night outside," stated Serena as she brushed Fennekin's fur. "Why not, campings fun," replied the energetic lemon head as she was playing with the Dedenne Clemont caught and let her take care of. "I just don't like sleeping outside." "Your not outside when your in a tent though." "But I don't have a tent Bonnie." Bonnie then got a sly smile, "I bet Ash would share his tent with you." Serena froze, her face so red it looks like a tomato, "wh wh what are you talking about." Bonnie smiled, " you might be able to fool the boys, but you can't fool me. I see it plain as day, you're in love with Ash." Serena was shocked that the small child was so observant. "What are you going to do now," Serena asked nervously. "That depends on you. I think you two would make a perfect couple, and I would love to help you get together." Serena was relieved Bonnie wasn't going to tease her and from the sound of it she was going to listen to her, so she shouldn't have to worry about her just blurting it out to him. "So what's the plan," Bonnie was excited and wanted to get to work on her new ship. Serena looked nervous again. "Serena, you do have some kind of plan, right?" Serena looked down and shook her head. "Don't worry Serena, leave everything to me. You and Ash will be going out on your first date in no time with me making the plan," Bonnie replied with a confidant look on her face. "But first.." Bonnie yawned" let's get some sleep," Bonnie tiredly said as her head hit the pillow and she fell asleep. Serena then returned Fennekin to her pokeball and laid down to sleep herself.

Serena tossed and turned but couldn't seem to fall asleep. Eventually She decided to step outside to get some fresh air. It was a clear night so you could see the stars very well. As she walked out she saw someone else was also outside, as she walked closer she saw it was none other than Ash. Serena froze for a moment, then took a deep breath and continued toward him, "guess you couldn't sleep either." Ash looked back, seeing it was Serena he smiled, "nope, however I'm willing to bet for a different reason than you." Serena sat down next to Ash with her arms wrapped around her legs, "Well I just don't feel tired, what's your reason?" "Clemont snores louder than my snorlax." This caused Serena to giggle. "Well at least it's a beautiful night to look at the stars," Serena said as she leaned back and put her hands on the ground behind her for support. "That is true," Ash replied while mimicking Serena's action. The only difference from Serena's was where one of his hands landed, instead of going on the ground it landed right on top of Serena's. This action caused them both to blush, however because it was dark neither of them could tell. Ash liked the feeling of her hand in his, the touch of her soft skin made him feel happy. Neither of them wanted to move their hand, however eventually they had to as Serena let out a soft yawn, which caused Ash to do the same. Ash reluctantly pulled his hand from Serena's, "I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm about to fall asleep right here, so I'm going to head to bed." "Ok, I should probably do the same." With that they both headed back to there rooms with a similar thought in there minds as they fell asleep, I wonder if Ash/Serena feels the same about me as I do about him/her.

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