Chapter 8

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Serena wasn't the type of person who liked to wake up early, she liked to sleep in a little bit. So when Bonnie was calling her name and jumping on her bed at 7AM, she wasn't happy. "Go back to sleep Bonnie, it's too early," Serena groaned. "Fine, then I guess you don't want to watch Ash training his Pokemon from our window," teased Bonnie. This got Serena's attention as she shot up with her eyes wide and a slight blush on her face. She then got out of bed and stretched, as she headed to the window and opened it. Right outside she saw her love training with his pokemon, one of which she wasn't familiar with. Using her pokedex she learned it was a Meganium (FYI all of Ash's Pokemon have reached there final evolutionary stage). It was currently training with the others firing razer leaves at them making them either dodge or use one of there attacks to block them. They all were looking tired even Ash who was shirtless and dripping in sweat. Serena was blushing badly as she could see his wash board abs. Bonnie smiled and rolled her eyes at Serena's actions, not understanding why she couldn't just tell him how she felt about him. Bonnie then smirked as she yelled, "GOOD MORNING ASH." This brought Serena out of her trance and got Ash's attention. He ended his Pokemon's training, much to there relief, and jogged over to the girls window, returning the greating as he got to them. "Morning Bonnie, good morning Serena, did you sleep well?" "Yea, I slept great," Serena said as she blushed. Bonnie noticed this then looked at Ash, and was pretty sure he was blushing too. Then Bonnie spoke again, "That Pokemon there is such a cutie, but what happened to your Charizard?" This snapped Ash back from his day dreaming about Serena, "Oh, I swapped them around this morning. I plan on swapping out one of my older Pokemon every chance I can so I can still keep up with there training. I only plan on using them at the league and the Pokemon i catch for the gyms and the the Kalos league." Now Serena was curious, "how many pokemon do you have?" Ash thought for a moment then answered, "67 or 68 I think." Bonnie had stars in her eyes just thinking of all the cute Pokemon she's never heard of before.

After they spoke for a few more minutes they separated to get ready for breakfast and to start there day. After a delicious breakfast made by Clemont, they head out again for Ash's first gym badge.

After an hour of walking they arrived in Santalune city, and only a few minutes after that they arrived at the gym thanks to Serena's tablet GPS feature.

After they arrived they walked in to find the battle field and a young women with blonde hair standing on the other side, who spoke first, "Welcome to the Santalune city gym, I'm Viola the gym leader." "I'm Ash Ketchum from Rota, and I'm here to challenge you for a badge." With that Ash handed his bag to Serena who took it with her to the side lines where she would watch the battle. As she walked though, she wondered why Ash said he was from Rota. She knew he was from Pallet Town, she decided she would wait till after the match to ask him about it.

"This will be a two on two battle, the winner will be who ever has at least one Pokemon remaining, only the challenger can make substitutions," announced the referee as she gave the rules.

The trainers then selected their Pokemon. "Pikachu, I chose you."
"Go Surskit." Both Pokemon landed on the field ready to battle. "BATTLE BEGIN"

"Surskit ice beam" Surskit fired it's ice beam up in the air, where it hit a light hanging from the ceiling, then split into multiple ice beams that caused the entire battle field to become covered in ice. Surskit started skating across the ice at Breakneck speeds circling Pikachu. "Surskit signal beam!" "Pikachu counter with thunderbolt!" The two attacks collided they exploded and created a smoke cloud blinding both sides. When the smoke cleared they saw Pikachu, but Surskit was already on the move again. "Surskit sticky web." "Pikachu try and dodge." Pikachu did it's best to dodge the web's, but because of the ice it wasn't easy. Ash thought how Surskit was able to move so easily on the smooth ice put him at huge disadvantage. Then it hit him, "Pikachu, use iron tail on the ground as hard as you can!" Pikachu followed the order causing the whole battle field to break apart, and Surskit who was gliding across the ice tripped and was sent into the air. "Pikachu thunderbolt!" Pikachu launched the attack which hit surskit, when surskit hit the ground it has swirly eyes. The ref then announced, "Surskit is unable to battle, the gym leader is down to her last pokemon."

Viola has a concerned look on her face as she returns Surskit and calls out her next pokemon. "Vivillon go" "Pikachu return, Fletchling I choose you!"

"Vivillon use gust." "Fletchling adjust your wings to let you ride the wind." Fletchling was having trouble not getting pushed back, but finally was riding the wind. "Now Fletchling razor wind." Blades of wind were sent at Vivillon, even though some missed do to the wind, some did hit doing some damage. "Lets end this, Vivillon sleep powder." Ash knew they couldn't dodge it, but quickly came up with a tricky plan. "Fletchling fly straight up." Fletchling did what it was told, having faith in its trainer. "Now go at Vivillon as fast as you can and use peck while doing a barrel roll." Everyone was confused because Fletchling was going to have to fly straight through the sleep powder. Fletchling flew through the green powder, beak still glowing while doing a barrel roll. Fletchling struggling to stay awake then hit its mark dead center, causing both to fall to the ground unconscious. The ref waited a moment then called the match, "both Pokemon are unable to battle, the Gym Leader Viola is out of Pokemon, making the Challenger Ash the winner." Cheers from Ash's side erupted, as Serena ran to Ash giving him a congratulations hug for his victory. Viola cleared her throat, causing Ash and Serena to both realize the position they were in and break the hug, both blushing.

After Ash received his bug badge the group headed to the pokemon center to get their pokemon checked out and to get some rooms for the night. They decided it would be best to spend the rest of the day in Santalune City and plan where they were headed next. Serena was particularly in favor of this because of not she still was nervous about the idea of camping out.

"So if we follow this route here we should arrive in Cyllage City in about a week," Clemont explained while pointing out on a map. "Ash there's also a gym in Lumiose City, why not stop there first," Questioned Serena. "I heard while I was there it has a four badge minimum just to challenge it. I was thinking of heading back after my fourth badge." Serena then picked up her tablet and pulled something up, "Hey Ash can we stop here on our way? It's called the Battle Chateau, it's something new they started here in Kalos, and it's been getting really popular." "You had me at battle, it sounds like a great idea." Serena blushed a little at this. "I almost forgot, is there anywhere along this route that has a Resurrection machine?" Serena checked her tablet, "It says here there's one in Ambrette Town." Clemont checks the map, "it looks like we could be there a day after the Battle Chateau, do you have a fossil?" Ash smiled as he went through his backpack and pulled out three fossils, "Actually, we each have a fossil, that is if you want one." Clemont was shocked, he was about to speak when Serena started, "Are fossils rare?" Clemont jumped in, "they are, if they are viable." "Oh they are, they were a gift from my cousin, she said I could do whatever I wanted with them," Ash responded. He decided that if he ever needed to refer to Queen Ilene while around people that didn't know he was a prince he would say she was his cousin. "We can each have one, your my friends so the value of these doesn't really matter much to me." They were taken back by Ash's generosity. Serena recovered first, "so what are they?" "You have to resurrect them to find out," stated Ash. "In that case I'll take this one", Serena took the sail fossil. "And I'll take the this one," Clemont took the jaw fossil.

Serena had something to ask Ash, she knew she might not like the answer, but she felt that the question needed to be asked. "Ash, back at the gym you said you were from Rota, however I thought you were from Pallet Town?" Ash was amazed that she remembered that. He didn't want to lie so he decided he had to tell the truth. As he recounted the events of two years ago of what happened to his mother, his friends eyes began to water as did his. He then went on to say that a family friend that lived in Rota adopted him as her son, but that he just felt more comfortable calling her his cousin when talking to other people about her. Serena wiped the tears from her eyes and hugged Ash, "I'm so sorry I made you talk about that, I shouldn't have pried." Ash pulled away from the hug and put his hands on her shoulders, "it's okay, we're friends and no questions should be off the table between friends." He then smiled at Serena, making her feel better. And Ash had to admit to himself, he did feel a little better talking about it with Serena.

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