Mission: Not Falling In Love With Him (7)

Start from the beginning

"I said if we ever, didn't I." I said and grinned evilly at him. his eyes bulged and then he narrowed it at me.

"You're sinking into deep thing and you'll regret it." he said stopping me and facing me. His eyes held no humor but that only made it more fun.

Oh right! I had promised him war.

But nothing like running away to make two people get along. I should go back to hating him. it was easier.

"I would love to see how you can pull something off, considering that I am the one that can save you or kill you." I said with an amused smile playing on my lips.

"Don't push me Thomas, I'm trying hard to put up with you but I have a limit."

"And that's where we agree, you reach that limit and you can start counting your days." I said nonchalantly.

I looked him in the eye this time to prove my point. I could care less if he was with me or with them. I was doing this for my father and he would be in trouble if Logan didn't come home alive with me. But I can always make something up and no one can say the opposite.

So I held the key to his like while he held absolutely nothing for me. I guess it was an already win situation. And I'm guessing he saw all of that in my eyes because the look he gave back was nothing more that hate. Pure and simple hate.

And I could take that. He could hate me or love me and it wouldn't make a difference. He was nothing to me. Nothing but a troubled ball of meat. A trouble of meat I wasn't afraid of disposing whenever I felt like.

But for the only sake of my father I probably wouldn't.

"You push my buttons and you can start digging your whole." I said and walked away opening the door to restaurant. Amanda entered with her head down trying to be the less of an imposition as possible and Logan, much to his displeasure, followed behind cursing.

Perfect. This is how I remembered things to be.

Except we weren't running away.

After our waitress came to take our orders, we all ate in silence. To me it was fine but to Amanda it was nerve wracking. If there was something she couldn't stand was tense moments but she was aweful at breaking them.

So while she looked between her dish, Logan and me I nodded and rolled my eyes for her to finally say something. She let out a breath and asked.

"So Nat, when are we getting the make over. I was actually exited about that." she said smiling.

I glared and rolled my eyes. "I don't know. I wasn't thinking of a super salon make over."

She sighed but smiled. "I'm ok with that." she took another bite of her salad and continued. "I'm thinking of a dark brown." She said thoughtfully.

I looked at her imagining how she'd look and smiled. "That'd be great, and we can also cut it-"

"No." she dropped the forks on the table and looked at me a little worried. "You can dye it and tie it but can't cut it."

I chuckled and nodded. "Fine, we'll wave it."

She looked sheepishly to me and then to Logan and I rolled my eyes.

"You can dye yours black." He offered to me. I sighed and looked at her with a tortured smirk.

She just smiled openly and kept on eating. She's been trying to get me to dye it black three years now. At first it was more like a joke but then she really took it seriously and every time she could she'd suggested it. Black wasn't my favorite color but I guess it would be a proper one now.

Mission: Not Falling In Love With HimWhere stories live. Discover now