I shook my head. "And you believed him?!  Wasn't calling the police a better idea?!"

"The man IS the police!" He snapped back. "I wasn't planning o-on seeing her again, but he was too pushy, I didn't know any better. " He was looking at me with desperate eyes.

"So you decided tossing nineteen years of marriage to the trash instead. " I laughed humorlessly.

"No, John, I-"

"No Alexander, just... " I shook my head, wiping the wetness from my face. "Save it. "

I stood up, grabbed my keys and my wallet as I stepped out of the room.

"Where are y-you going?" I heard his voice crack.

I didn't look back as I walked downstairs.

"Anywhere far from here."


Alex's P. O. V

Today was the day Philip had his holidays vacation in his second year of college. He was coming with a friend.

I got a job a year ago to pay the bank and John was still paying Pip's studies.

He asked for the divorce a week after he found out about me cheating.

Last year he came to visit while Philip was here.

Our son was taken aback when we told him about the divorce, but he was almost an adult, he knew how to handle it.

Or so we thought.

He didn't want to talk to any of us for a month. When he calmed down he explained he didn't like it, but he understood our reasons.

Right now I was at the airport waiting for his flight to arrive.

His father was supposed to pick us up here. I checked my watch, he is supposed to be here any-

"Hello, Alexander. " -moment.

I turned around and smiled half heartedly at him. "Hi John. "

He stayed silent for about ten minutes until Pip and other guy came walking from the gate.

"Pa! Dad!" He waved at us, smiling widely.

Oh god, he was John at his twenties. He had his hair up in a half bum, just like he used to back then. 

(A/n; in case you're confused, Pip enters college at 18 almost 19, he's now 20. John and Alex got married when they were 22 and 21 respectively. They're now 42 and 41.)

We waved back as he approached us, his friend behind him.

They guy was a light skinned, but he had obvious back features. He had brown curly hair that was midway braided and ended up in a high bun. A pair of glasses and he had his ears pierced. He was wearing some dark jeans and a tee shirt with the Jamaican flag on it.

Something tells me this guy is not just Pip's friend.

"Hey Pip. " John smiled, hugging our son.

He then came to hug me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey dad. " He pulled back. "Guys, this is George. G, this are my dads. "

"Pleasure to meet you, George. " I shook his hand and then John.

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