Nine (Becoming One Out Of The Closet)

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Daniela and Carla walked hand in hand into the bodega. Usnavi waved at them, smiling. He had grown up under the watchful eyes of the two women. Seeing them happy together was more than he could have ever asked for. "Hey, ladies, cafe con leche, on me!" He said when they came up to the counter with a few new bottles of shampoo and conditioner. Daniela smiled, paying for their things.

"Thanks Usnavi." Carla said as Usnavi made their coffees the exact way they liked.

"Anything for the sisters I never had." He joked, handing them the steaming cups of cafe.

Daniela pulled Carla to a table and made Usnavi join them. Just then, Kevin, Camila and a young teen came in. "Why are we here?" She asked.

"Well, Gia, we want to introduce you to Usnavi. He owns the bodega."

" I think." Gia said, looking around.

"Hola Rosario's and girl." Usnavi said, a light laugh coating his voice.

"Hi Usnavi. This is mine and Kevin's foster daughter, Gia." Daniela and Carla spit out their cafe, looking at Camila. Usnavi was just as shocked as the two women were.

"Foster daughter?!" The three said, shocked and kind of unapproving.

"Not to be rude, but, what the actual hell? You can't stand to be in the same room with each other for 20 minutes, how the hell are you two going to raise a foster kid." Daniela said, looking at Camila and Kevin through angry and heavy eyes. "Does Nina know?"

"No. She doesn't deserve to know." Kevin said, wrapping an arm around Gia. "She's knocked up, against my wishes."

"She's doing what she thinks is right! You can't be angry with her for that!" Usnavi defended, crossing his arms over his chest. "She's ten times better than you are, Kevin. She wants her baby and will most likely want her child to be happy, at all times. You're not being fair or considering her feelings. Nina deserves at least that, don't you think? And if you don't tell her about Gia, I will." With that, Usnavi ran up the steps to his apartment and saw Sonny, sitting in the stairway.

"So, Nina's pregnant? Staying pregnant too?"

"Yeah. I know you've liked her for years bud, but you gotta let her go. You'll find the right person eventually. Just look at Daniela and Carla. They are so cute."

"Or you and V. You two are relationship goals and you don't even realize it. Neither of you do. Now, help me get back up, would you?" Usnavi laughed but helped his younger cousin off the floor and into a chair.

Daniela, Carla and Vanessa came up then. "Yo Usnavi! We have company!" Vanessa shouted, pulling her boyfriend into her by his collar, kissing him. Usnavi held tight to Vanessa hugging her and kissing her back.

"I love you V."

"Love you too Navi."


Dani and Carla walked back to their apartment, smiling and holding hands. They shared a kiss, loving and sweet. Not like Usnavi and Vanessa's. Hard and passionate. "With you, I would forever stay out of the closet." Dani told Carla. And Carla hummed her answer, kissing Dani softly before hugging her girlfriend back.

"I love you."

"And I you."

***Author's Note***

Sorry for being absent, still don't have my phone.

Be fearless!


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