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(3 years later)

"Do you Benny Jackson take Nina Rosario to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Benny said, squeezing Nina's hands.

"Do you Nina Rosario take Benny Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Nina said.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Benny dipped Nina, kissing her slowly, softly.

(10 months later)

"Alright Mrs Jackson, give us a big push." The midwife said. Nina pushed, focusing on bringing her son into the world. She pushed hard and long, having done this before making her feel more prepared.


"Here's your little boy." Nina was handed the little boy, wrapped in a blue blanket. Benny leaned down and kissed Nina's lips.

"I'm proud of you baby girl." Benny said.

(2 months later)

The whole barrio had showed up to Claudia's fourth birthday party. Benny wrapped his arm around Nina's waist while Nina looked down at the two month old baby boy in her arms. Claudia ran to her parents and Benny lifted her. "Daddy! I want to see Seth!" She said. Benny laughed and let Claudia closer to her little brother. She leaned over and gently kissed little Seth's head.

"You are such a good big sister, C." Nina said.

"Well Sethy makes it easy Mama." Nina's heart melted at that sentence.

"I'm glad you feel that way mija."

Nina and Benny had their perfect little family. Claudia and Seth were their world and there was nothing that could change that. They were happy. Their lives complete.

***Author's Note***

Hi. Thank you for reading this story. I may or may not do another story in this series. I probably won't. But hey, who knows?

Alright guys, you know the drill. Be fearless.


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