Eighteen (Becoming One With Mistakes)

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Benny sat on the floor in the living room, his back against the couch. In his hands was Nina's diary. He feared reading it for whatever reason. His hands shook as he opened to the first page. He began to read.

"Dear Diary, this is weird. I'm not used to writing down my feelings. Mama said it should help with the hurt I've been feeling recently. I guess this should be helpful. Maybe. I don't really know. Maybe, just maybe. But I don't know. I'm skeptical. It's just that I don't know what to expect. But, here it goes.

"I saw Vanessa talking to this boy I like...it just came so easy to her. I felt...jealous I guess. But Nessa is my best friend. I should ask her about it...or maybe tell her how it makes me feel that she's talking to my crush. He's my crush! But then again, I want her happiness over my own. Always. Because she's my best friend.

"Well, that's all for now. Sincerely, Nina."

Benny flipped the page.

"Dear diary, today I talked to Benny. He called me cute! Cute! I followed him around and he asked if I were half puppy. What am I? Chopped chuletas? Anyway, he let me stick around while he hung out with Usnavi. His hair is getting so long. Usnavi's is. So Benny made him visit Daniela's and get a hair cut. I just laughed along with Benny and I know I'm in love. I'm 13 and I'm already in love.

"Why is love such an amazing and beautiful thing. I don't know. I love him so much! How is it possible?

"Until next time, adios. Sincerely, Nina."

He skipped a few pages and read.

"Dear diary, Benny felt the baby kick today. It was amazing. His reaction was priceless. I love him so much. I really do. I can't imagine being without him. I trust him with my life. With our baby's life and our baby isn't even born yet. God. The way he laughs his beautiful. The way he talks is beautiful. I love him more than words can say. He's my best friend and I hope he stays my best friend forever. Because I don't want us to end. Even if we fight, I want to be with him. No matter what. Through thick and thin, I want to be there. I just hope he feels the same way. I really do. All I want is for him to know is that everything I do, it's out of love and respect. Respect for him and myself. Sincerely, Nina."

Benny's tears were falling at an alarming rate. His chest hurt with everything he felt. He looked over at a framed picture from an ultrasound. It was right next to one of Nina. He got up and lifted it. He stroked the cheek on the picture of Nina. His sobs were deafening.


At the dorm Nina was heartbroken. She wanted Benny in her arms. She wanted his lips on hers. She wanted him. Jessica sat beside her. "Look, fuck him. He's an asshole. And if you wanna make out, I'm here babe." She said.

Nina shot up from her seat and cried. "I don't like you that way, Jessie. I'm sorry. And I'm used to you calling me babe, you call everyone babe. But no!" Jessica was shocked. She'd never been turned down before.

"He's a stupid son of a bitch. I'll help you care for the baby. I'll be there for both of you. It'll be our baby. We can work."

"I said no, Jessica."

"Look, Nina, please. I really like you. I like, like you."

"I SAID NO!" Nina screamed. She picked up her phone to call Benny.

He didn't answer, so Nina left a distressed message. "Benny, please call me back. It's urgent. I can't stay at the dorm. Please Benny. I know I hurt you baby, but I need you. Please."

Seconds later, Jessica kissed Nina on the mouth. Nina pushed her away, now full on sobbing. Neither of the girls knew that Benny had gotten the message and was on his way.


Benny pulled into the parking lot and bounded up the steps to the dorm. He pounded on the door. When no one answered, he opened the door himself, finding it unlocked. He barged in to see Jessica trying to undress Nina. He pulled her off of Nina, pulling her into his chest. He could feel the baby bump against his abdomen.

"You came." Nina sobbed, clutching Benny's shirt in her fists.

"I read your diary...you read the pages out of respect. Both for me and yourself. I'm sorry baby. I really am. Come home?"


Benny carried Nina bridal style to the car. He drove them home and tucked Nina into bed. He cuddled her and kissed her shoulder. "I love you, Nina Rosario."

"I love you too Benny Jackson."


That night, Nina woke, lofted her diary and wrote an entry.

"Dear diary, today was stressful. But I'm okay now. I'm home, with Benny. Home. Anywhere with Benny is home. I love him. Even though we fought like mad, I'm still in love with him. And I hope he knows that nothing can change that. Not any fight or mishap. He's my soul mate. My one true love. The father of my baby. Much love, Nina."

***Author's Note***

Becky, you didn't really think I'd let them break up, did you?

Anyway, all is well with them.

Be fearless!


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