Eleven (Becoming One At A Party)

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Nina and Benny danced along to the Hispanic music. Stanford was having a celebration for the students of Latin roots. The song that played was the same one as from before the blackout back home in Washington Heights three years prior. They danced the way they had then. And as they did, Benny noticed that Nina was glowing. He smiled widely at her.

To the two of them, there was no one else in the room. It was just them. Benny Jackson and Nina Rosario. A new song came on, Darte un Beso by Prince Royce. Nina giggled as Benny pulled her into him, kissing her lips. She kissed back, happy he'd agreed to go with her.

"Yo solo quiero darte un beso." Benny said, smiling.

"So I see." Nina replied. They continued to dance, holding onto each other.


"I'm gonna get us some food!" Nina yelled a few hours later. It was about 10:30 and she was starving. Benny nodded, letting her go when someone grabbed her by the wrist. Benny intervened, pulling the guy's hand off of hers.

"Who are you to mess with me?" The young man, only 20, asked. "To stop me from having fun with a fellow Latino?"

"A Latino who happens to be this Latino's boyfriend. So you, my friend, can fuck off." Benny answered. Then to Nina he said, "Come on baby girl. Let's go get something to eat."

Nina followed and Benny put his arm around her waist. Nina turned back to the man, glaring at him. She flipped him the bird and then rested her head on Benny's shoulder.

Nina's mind screamed de ja vu from when Pete had touched her. But her body and mannerisms screamed that she was already over it. Benny pulled her closer as they reached the food table. He grabbed Nina a plate along with one for himself. They got chocolates and desert type foods, most of which were American foods. Neither complained as they went and sat in the hallway so they could talk.

Sitting on the floor, Nina across from Benny, she began the conversation. "This cheesecake is so good though." She said.

"Agreed." Benny replied.

"I don't know why I feel like I could eat twice as much food as I have on my plate!"

"It's probably 'cause you're pregnant, Nina."

"I guess that would explain it."

"Are you nervous at all?"

"Of course I am, Benny. But that's not important. I..."

"Nina, your feelings are important to me than my own. You are so important to me baby girl."

"Benny, I..."

"No, Nina."

"I was gonna say, I feel like this baby is more important than anything to me. I'm nervous because I already love it so much."

"Oh..." Benny felt ashamed of interrupting Nina.

"It's just that, I want the baby to be healthy and not have Bipolar. Y'know?"

"No...I wish I did, but I don't."

"I know you don't." Benny said, taking another bite of cheesecake, smiling at Nina. "You know what else I know?"


"I love you so very much."

"I love you too."


Nina and Benny went back into the gymnasium. They immediately went to the dance floor, ready to take over. Benny smiled softly and kissed her head.

A fast song that both Nina and Benny recognized came on. They danced along to the music. Their dance moves impressed everyone. People stopped and stared as the couple danced. It was quite provocative too. Nina sat on Benny's knee, crossing her legs. Then, when she stood, Benny twirled her outward, pulling her back into him afterward. When the song ended, people clapped and cheered. Nina curtsied and Benny bowed. Everyone cheered louder after that.

"Oh thank you, thank you." Nina said, laughing.

"Si. Thank you." Benny laughed.

Suddenly, the music cut out and shouts erupted. "Police!" Someone screamed.

"What? Que paso?" Nina started to freak out, moving toward the door. Benny lost sight of her for a moment.

"NINA WHERE'D YOU GO? I CAN'T FIND YOU!" Benny shouted. Benny ran, finding Nina and coming up behind her. It was so loud. If he spoke normally, Nina wouldn't hear him. So he shouted. "NINA TAKE IT SLOW! I'M BEHIND YOU!" Nina felt reassured when she felt Benny's hands on her shoulders.

Two officers approached the two of them. "Where do you two think you're going?" The man asked.

"I...I need to go home." Nina cried.

"You can't leave until we've questioned both you and your friend here."

"What's going on?"

"There's a drug dealer here. Have either of you bought drugs?"

"No! Of course not!" Benny and Nina said together.

"Then you won't mind if my partner checks your purse?"

"Not at all." Nina said, handing her bag to the woman. She watched the woman who handed the bag back.

"I'm gonna pat you down, sir."

When that was done, they were allowed to leave.

Nina sobbed into Benny's chest. Benny comforted Nina as they stood in the hallway. "You're okay baby girl." He said. Nina just sobbed.

The night went in a direction neither were prepared for. But it helped them become one.

***Author's Note***

Hi. So, the dance got shut down...the chapter reappeared this morning! I'm happy! Two-three more chapters up at some point today. Love you all.

Be fearless!


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