Twenty-Three (Becoming One At Night)

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Dani woke up in Carla's arms and saw Benny holding Nina in a hug. "What's going on?" She asked lightly.

"Hey baby. How was your nap?" Carla asked as Dani got comfortable in her arms.

"It was okay."

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Much." Daniela yawned and stretched. "I'm sorry for falling asleep on you Carla."

"It's okay." Carla kissed Dani's head, running a hand through her red-brown hair. "It was worth it baby."

"Are you sure it didn't bother you?" Dani asked, now panicking.

"I'm sure Dani. Now calm down. Don't get so worked up. I love you and I don't like seeing you that way."

"O-ok-okay." Daniela stuttered, her arms around Carla's neck.

Throughout the time Carla had known Daniela, Carla had never had to comfort Daniela. It was always Daniela comforting Carla. Daniela was strong, fierce, on point and quite savage in some ways. But she was never weak. She was never low, needing to be lifted higher than she could go. Something about this change scared Carla and Benny and Nina.

"Carla, I want to go to bed."

"Okay. Let's go." Carla helped Dani up and lead her to the guest room.

Still in the living room, Benny and Nina talked. "What the hell do you think happened? She's never been like that before?" Nina asked.

"I have no clue. She's definitely acting weird. Maybe Carla knows what's going on."

"Something about how Carla was acting tells me she doesn't know squat."

"I guess you're right Nina. But we still need to figure out how we can help her." Nina nodded slowly, her head bopping up and down lightly. "Tomorrow morning. We'll ask." Carla walked out then.

"So, she's out cold." Carla said.

"Is she cool? Is she good?" Benny asked.

"I think so." Carla sat down on the couch beside Nina.

"What happened?"

"I...I don't know, Nina. She's never broken down in front of me before. This must be huge. She...she means so much to me. I don't want her to be sad or hurt or anything like that. She's the most important person in my life. I can't imagine life without her."

"None of us can, Carla." Nina said, putting her hand over Carla's. Carla looked sadly into her younger friend's eyes. Nina pulled her into a hug, kissing her head lightly.

"I love Dani. I would do anything to make her feel better. To help her. And Nina, I want to marry her." Both Benny and Nina squealed.

"ARE YOU GOING TO PROPOSE?!" Benny and Nina shouted together.

"Shut up!" Carla put her hands over the couple's mouths. "If you wake up Dani this way, there'll be hell to pay."

Both Nina and Benny quieted down, watching Carla's expression carefully. Carla waved them off moodily, turning away from the two. "Come on, Carla, what's up with you?" Carla pulled out Dani's phone from her pocket. It was buzzing nonstop.

She opened the messages.

Unknown- Listen up you fagot whore, I will rip apart your relationships one by one. First your friend in Stanford, second, your girlfriend. Then, one by one, I will pick the others.

Unknown- Maybe you should have to choose.

Unknown- Good luck keeping those you hold dear around.

Carla became nervous. "Is this why? Is this why she's breaking down? Is this mystery person the reason she's so scared now?"


About two hours later, Dani walked out. She saw her phone on the table and went to take it. Carla beat her to it, however. "Who's this anonymous person that keeps threatening you, Dani?" Carla asked, her voice wavering.

"I-I don't know what yo-you-you're talking about, C-Car-Carla." Daniela stuttered.

"Dani, no matter what, we aren't leaving you."

"He wants to deport Camila!" Daniela blurted. "To ruin your life, Nina. Then he wants to tell you that I reported her. And Carla, he wants to tell you that I cheated on you. He's trying to ruin the barrio!"

"Daniela, we would never believe that shit. We know you. You would never cheat on Carla, you would never report Cami. You're a good person." Benny said, hugging Dani who was crying again. When they broke apart, Dani lifted Kevin and cried into his fur. Shit was tough, but shit happened. Dani knew that she had the best people to help her through it.

***Author's Note***

Word count: 731

So...this was some intense shit. But we know what's wrong with Dani.

Guys, the link to my video is above.

Be fearless.


Becoming One: In The HeightsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant