Thirteen (Becoming One With Reactions)

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Nina and Benny landed in JFK airport at three in the afternoon. Camila picked them up. "Nina." She said. It was all she could say. She didn't know how she felt about Nina having a baby.

"Mom. Don't tell me that you're mad at me too." Nina said, feeling like a disappointment to her mother.

"I don't know how I feel." Camila said.

"Camila, we didn't plan it." Benny said. Cami just sighed.

"I know. But I'm still unsure."

When they got home, Kevin stood in the doorway. "Hi Papi." Nina said.

"Nina. Benny." Nina intertwined her fingers with Benny's.

"We have something for you. I know you don't like that I'm gonna be a mom. But if you'd at least accept the fact, it would be amazing." Nina said, unzipping her suitcase, pulling out two envelopes and handed them to her parents. She watched them open them to see pictures from the ultrasound. "So..?"

"This makes it real, Nina." Cami said. "You're gonna be a mother."

"Yeah. I am." The four were silent for a while. "So..?"

"I still think you should have had an abortion." Kevin said, shoving the pictures into Nina's hands. "I have to pick up Gia." He walked out, slamming the door.


"I'm gonna be an abuela." Camila hugged Nina and whispered "I'm so excited mi hija. Don't worry about your father. He'll come around."

"Thanks Mom."

"I love you."

"Love you too." Nina said, feeling confused. "Who's Gia?"

"Gia is our foster daughter." Camila said.

"Wait...What?!" Benny and Nina shouted in unison.

"We have a foster daughter." Camila noticed as her daughter frowned. "Are you okay, Nina? Are you okay with this?"

"I'm just confused. Why would you foster a kid? Who is she?"

"Well, she was born here in New York, but her parents were undocumented from DR. They got deported. We took her in. just felt like the right thing to do."

"Is Dad rough with her? He shouldn't be rough with her."

"He's actually really good with her."

"Really? Surprising. He's rough with me over my pregnancy."

"He's not ready to let go of his baby girl."

"I wish he were." Nina said and pulled Benny to her room.

Benny kissed Nina's temple.


Gia walked up the steps, then going to Nina's room. She knocked on the door. When it opened, she saw a beautiful young woman standing there, a man by her side, holding her hand. "You must be Nina. Camila told me about you. She loves you very much." Nina smiled softly.

"And you must be Gia. Come in, let me braid your hair and you can tell me about yourself."

"O-ok-okay." Gia stuttered.

Nina closed the door when Gia walked in, sitting on the bed. "So, Gia, how old are you?"

"I'm 13. How old are you?"

"I'm 21."

"Who's he?" Gia pointed at Benny.

"Gia, this is my boyfriend, Benny."

"Oh. Kevin really hates him." Benny laughed.

"Yeah, we know." He said. Gia pursed her lips.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. It was dumb."

"You're okay. Don't worry about it." Benny smiled at the young girl.

"So...Nina...Kevin and Camila said that you're pregnant."

Nina never looked up from braiding Gia's hair. "Benny, can you show Gia the pictures that Dad gave back?" Benny nodded, showing Gia the ultrasound photos.

"Woah. That's crazy." Gia smiled. "I hope Kevin and Camila keep me long enough to meet your baby."

"Me too." Nina smiled, tying off the braid. "You're done!"

"Thank you!" A smile grew on Gia's face as she saw the French braid.

"Of course."


Nina and Benny visited with Carla, Dani, Usnavi, Vanessa and Sonny. Benny handed out the envelopes which once again contained ultrasound photos. He gave one to Carla, Usnavi and Sonny. "What about us? Are we chopped chuletas?" Dani asked, motioning to herself and Vanessa.

"We didn't forget about you two." Benny said, squeezing Nina's hand.

Nina pulled out two boxes that contained lockets. "V, you're my best friend and Dani, you're like the older sister I wished I had. Benny and I talked and we want you two to be our baby's god moms." Dani and Vanessa burst into tears.

"Yeah!" Vanessa and Dani said in unison. Nina handed them the lockets.

"We put the ultrasound picture on one side and the next can be the first time you meet our baby." Nina said and she was immediately attacked in a hug. "I love you guys all so much."

***Author's Note***

How fucking cute was this chapter?

Be fearless!


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