Thirty-Three (Becoming One With The Professor)

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Nina sat next to Via during history. "Didn't we learn about Alexander Hamilton and the revolutionary war in high school?" Via asked, leaning towards Nina. Nina didn't answer as she was madly taking notes. "And if we're majoring in the arts, what the hell does Hamilton and his groupies have to do with anything?"

"Ms Nelson, quiet down back there." The professor said. She was clearly pregnant as well and was surprisingly patient with the very talkative 22 year old.

"I still don't get it." Via said. Something in Nina snapped.

"Shut your trap, Via. Some of us would like to learn." The professor looked shocked.

"Is everything alright Ms Rosario?" The bell rang then, signaling the end of class.

"I'm sorry Via. I just...I just snapped. I don't know why. I'm..I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You're going through crazy hormonal stuff." Via said, squeezing her friend's shoulder.

As Nina was about to walk out, the professor called "Nina? May I speak with you for a moment?" Nina's heart stopped as she thought what it could possibly be that the woman wanted to speak with her about.

"Wha-what is it?" Nina asked, her nervousness building up inside her. "D-did I do something wrong?"

"No. You did nothing wrong. You see, I've noticed that you're...well...pregnant. No one has confirmed it but I can tell. None of us are stupid, Nina. It's plain as day. I'm already a mother of two. If you need anything, guidance, help, advice. I'm here."

"Thank you Professor Kenyatta. Means a lot." Nina said, her breathing coming back to normal.

"If you don't mind me asking, how far along are you in the pregnancy?"

"I'm 22 weeks." Nina said nervously.

"Do you know the gender?"

"Yeah. A girl. We named her already. Claudia. After Benny's grandmother. She was really everyone's grandmother. Or, at least, we all called her Abuela."

"That's very sweet."

"We're doing it to honor her. To keep her memory alive while she's gone."

"Wow. My husband and I aren't naming our baby anything sentimental like that. Maybe we should." The woman laughed. "Well, I can't keep you from your boyfriend any longer. Go. Have a good weekend. Here's my cell number if you need anything. Feel free to give me a call."

"Thank you." Nina said and left the building. She walked back home, ready to see Benny.


Benny arrived home an hour after Nina as he went to pick some things up. He'd ordered two necklaces and a bracelet. The bracelet was for him and the necklaces for Nina and Claudia. He walked inside and saw Nina, drinking a glass of milk and eating Oreo cookies. He laughed and walked to her. "Hi baby girl." He said.

"Benny!" Nina stood from her chair, chewing on a cookie. "I missed you today babe." She said, swallowing the food in her mouth and took a quick sip of milk. She then hugged Benny, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I missed you too baby. I got you a little something. Well, I got you, Claudia and I All something. I think you'll really like it." Benny quickly peeked inside the jewelry boxes to see which was which. He handed Nina's to her. It was in the same box as the one for Claudia. Nina opened the box to see two necklaces. One that was heart shaped and said 'Special Daughter' the other was also heart shaped with a mother's hand reaching down towards her child's hands. "I got them since we're going to have a family of our own. I got myself a bracelet that says 'Dad' on it."

"Oh my god. Benny. I love them! They're beautiful." Nina kissed Benny who put Nina's necklace on her. It was beautiful on her. Nina helped Benny put on his bracelet.


"Did I tell you that Professor Kenyatta said she's willing to give guidance, advice and help through this?" Nina asked as she and Benny laid in bed.

"No, but that's great. I'm glad someone else is looking out for you." Benny said, closing his eyes. "I love you good night."

"I love you goodnight." Nina said, fidgeting with her new necklace.

***Author's Note***

This was actually a ridiculously cute chapter.

Here's what I want the necklaces and bracelet to look like:

Here's what I want the necklaces and bracelet to look like:

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Alrighty guys

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Alrighty guys. Be fearless!


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