Thirty-Five (Becoming One With Graduation)

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Nina couldn't believe it. She was getting ready for graduation. And then, in about two weeks, maybe even less, she'd be a mom. Vanessa, Carla, Camila, Gia, Sonny and Usnavi had all come to see her walk across that stage. And Benny had his plan. He'd talked to the principal about it and they'd decided to have Benny 'make a speech'.

Carla braided Nina's hair after taking two hours to straighten it. Daniela picked out the perfect dress for Nina to wear underneath the graduation dress. Vanessa did Nina's makeup. All the while the girls gossiped. Even Carla got into it.

"So you remember Gladys? Anyway, she got her hair cut so short! I swear she looks like a man with breasts and good taste in clothes!" Dani said.

"It's true!" Carla said, tying off the braid that went down Nina's shoulders. It was only half her hair as the rest flowed down underneath it. "Your hair is done chica!" Daniela stepped away from the closet and gasped.

"What? Did Carla burn my hair off?" Nina asked, slightly freaking out.

"No! Your hair looks beautiful, mija."

"Give me some credit, Nina."

"Sorry Carla."

"Don't be. You're graduating today! You did it! You've made it through college!"

"I did." Nina sat up straighter and smiled triumphantly.

"Stop moving Nina. Let me finish your makeup!"


In the end, Nina looked flawless. Her hair and makeup. Her outfit. Everything about her looked flawless.



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Nina was relieved that the dress fit over her big belly

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Nina was relieved that the dress fit over her big belly. And then it was time to go.


"Nina Rosario." Nina walked to the principle, shook his hand and accepted her diploma. "You showed excellence in all classes. Good job." She walked back to her spot and waited for the rest of her class to be called.

When it was finally over, everyone was asked to stay where they were. Nina's back was beginning to hurt as they stood on the stage. She hated the heels Dani had picked out for her, longing for her flats. "Benny Jackson is going to make a speech." Benny walked onto the stage. "Good luck." Was whispered in his ear.

Benny took center stage, grabbed the microphone and began speaking. "Nina Rosario, please step forward babe." Benny said. Nina stepped forward, seeing Benny gesture to Dani, Carla, Usnavi, Vanessa, Sonny, Cami and Gia. She saw that they each held roses. A total of 12. They all have them to Nina.

"Congratulations mija." Dani said.

"Nina, I saw you through one of your most difficult school years. I was happy to be right beside you. You and our baby are the best thing to happen to me. I never want to lose you. Never in a million years. So, Nina Rosario," Benny got on one knee, pulled out an engagement ring and said, "will you do me the greatest honor and marry me?" A loud gasp came from the crowd.

"YES!" Nina said. Benny placed the ring on Nina's finger, stood up and kissed her lips softly. When Benny put his hand on Nina's bare back, she gasped as she was so cold and his hands were so warm. Benny kissed her again and soon Nina had to pull back. "Benny, I need to sit down. My back is killing me."

"Okay. Let's go home my beautiful fiancé."

"Let's go home."

***Author's Note***

Short, but to the point.

Be fearless.


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