Five (Becoming One In Washington Heights)

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Vanessa sat, watching Sonny drink a Gatorade while eating a peanut butter sandwich in the bodega. "Slow down bud." She said, ruffling his hair. Sonny swatted away her hand, groaning. "Sonny, knock it off." Vanessa laughed.

"You knock it off!" Sonny shouted, getting up, slamming money for his lunch onto the counter and ran out of the store. Vanessa shared a look with Usnavi before they both chased after him.

"Sonny! Wait!" Vanessa called after her boyfriend's younger cousin. "Wait buddy!" She called.

"Leave me alone Vanessa!" He cried. And then, a car came speeding through the street, hitting Sonny. A man jumped out of the vehicle.

"Is he breathing?!" Vanessa asked the man. He nodded, holding the almost 18 year old. "Navi! Come quick! Navi!" Vanessa screamed. Usnavi cane running out of the bodega and straight to his cousin.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see him. I was adjusting the rear view mirror and when I looked back at the road it was too late. I called 911."

"Thank you for not running." Vanessa said, pulling Sonny onto her lap. Her long hair fell into his face as he smiled weakly up at her. "And you, young man, are grounded for scaring me. Grounded until your 18th birthday." Vanessa kissed the boy's forehead. His left arm was clearly broken as was his left leg.

"Fair enough." He said weakly. And then, the ambulance was there. "Vanessa, come with me." He said as he was put on the stretcher. She nodded, walking with him.

"Miss, you're not allowed in here."

"I'm his cousin's girlfriend."

"Where are his parents?"

"They were deported when he was younger. He's requested me, one of his two legal guardians, to go with him."

"Okay then." Vanessa climbed in, taking Sonny's non injured hand and rubbing circles into it.

"Thank you Vanessa." Sonny said and Vanessa nodded.

"Anything for you kid." She said, kissing his forehead. "Te amo para siempre." Sonny giggled.

"Te amo también V."

A paramedic began to take Sonny's vitals. That was a breeze, but actually touching his arm and leg was not. The man touched his arm lightly but for Sonny it felt as if he was putting all of his pressure on it. "Ow! The fuck man!" Sonny cried. The paramedic nodded, moving onto Sonny's leg. It went very much the same.

"You're left arm and leg are broken. Any other pains?" They began wheeling the stretcher into the hospital.

"Yeah. The pain of you talking." Sonny said in his smart ass teenage way.

"Still able to make jokes. Good to know."


Back at Usnavi's, Vanessa made sure Sonny took his pain killers. She felt bad, watching him choke down the pills. "Just think, Sonny. You'll feel better when they kick in."

"They taste weird and they're huge!" Sonny complained. Vanessa nodded, rubbing his back in a friendship kind of way.

"I'm sorry Sonny. If we hadn't fought, if I hadn't upset you...this wouldn't have happened. I'm so sorry."

"V, it's not your fault. It's not. I'm sorry you feel that way. I was an idiot. I stood in the middle of the road! It's my fault." Sonny said, comforting a now crying Vanessa.

"Sonny! You got hurt! You got hurt! And you're technically a foster kid. You could get taken from Usnavi! And it's my fault." And then, the bodega door opened. The three of them walked down the stairs into the shop. Sonny's social worker stood there.

"Usnavi De la Vega, we are taking Sonny De la Vega from your care." The woman spoke. "Sonny, go pack." It was de ja vu back to when he first moved into Usnavi's.

"No!" He said. "I wanna stay with Usnavi!" Sonny protested.

"Sonny, pack. Now." His social worker was losing patience with him.

"Hells no. I'm not leaving my cousin. He's an amazing guardian. Y'know, he actually grounded me! For missing curfew!" Sonny kept protesting.

"You got hit by a car in his care. Go pack."

"I don't want to leave. Navi, don't let her make me leave. Don't make me leave." Sonny begged his older cousin. Usnavi held the teen in a hug.

"Can't you see how much he needs me?" Usnavi asked.

"He doesn't need you. He wants you."

"I need him! I do! Don't make me leave!" He sobbed. "I need him and I need Vanessa." Hearing this, Vanessa moved to Sonny's side, hugging him to her.

"I will do anything to keep Sonny with us. Please let him stay. Please!" Vanessa said.

"You would do anything?"

"Yeah, Sonny. I would."

"You three clearly won't give up on each other. Fine. But one more bad thing and he is out of your custody." His social worker left and the three hugged more.

Suddenly, Usnavi piped up. "Move in with us Vanessa. Please?"

***Author's Note***

Word count: 804

So, will Vanessa move in with Usnavi and Sonny? Will she turn down the offer? What about Sonny? Will he accept the fact that Vanessa might become a forever part of his life?

Be fearless!


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