Nineteen (Becoming One In Bed)

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Vampire Diaries played on the TV as Nina and Benny cuddled on the couch. Nina sat so she was almost on Benny's lap. Their hands were intertwined as the two ate popcorn. Benny felt relaxed with Nina sitting so close to him. He grabbed a piece of popcorn and ate it. Then, he put a hand on Nina's belly. Nina glanced at Benny as he did so, smiling. Her eyes sparkled and then, the baby kicked. Benny leaned down and kissed Nina softly. Nina stood, put the popcorn on the table then pulled Benny to the bedroom.

Slowly, after Nina shut the door, she walked to Benny, her hands clasped together at the back of his neck. She stood on tiptoes and kissed him. Benny deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into Nina's mouth easily. Nina closed her own mouth around his tongue. Benny's eyes closed as the kiss went on. Nina shut hers too. And before either of them knew it, Nina was taking off Benny's shirt and Benny took of Nina's.

Soon, they were completely naked and Benny was holding a naked Nina. Nina's legs were wrapped around Benny's waist. Gently, Benny lowered himself onto the bed. He entered Nina, now laying on top of her. Nina rolled them over so she could be on top.

She kissed Benny as he thrusted into her. As she kissed him, she felt him open his mouth, waiting for her tongue. Nina slipped it into Benny's mouth. Their tongues brushed against each other several times. Nina favored the contact and let Benny keep thrusting into her. She could feel his hands running up and down her back and on her ass.

As Benny started thrusting harder, Nina moaned, stuttering out a "Ho-holy s-sh-shit. Yes baby." Benny took that and made it his goal to keep pleasuring Nina. In Nina's mind, she wanted to get back at him for the unexpected pleasure she that was shone through her moans.

Nina started thrusting too causing Benny to take a deep breath, close his eyes and moan loudly. Nina ran her hand through Benny's short hair and tugged at the tight curls. Pleasure coursed through Benny and Nina both. Nina, now in control ran a hand down between their legs, squeezing Benny in certain places, working out moans all the while.

Nina's hand was dangerously close to Benny's dick. When she hit it, Benny moaned loudly in pleasure and then took control once again, rolling them over.

Nina felt herself pulsating against Benny's member. She knew that he could feel it too. And she was so close. So, so close. Benny massaged Nina's breasts, before licking them too. Nina's back arched and Benny ran his hands down her back to her ass. Nina moaned. "Oh my god. Yes. Si. Si Papi. Si. Ay Dios mío, si!" She was now even closer to orgasming. And then, Benny hit her sweet spot. Nina screamed with pleasure. "Fuck yes Papi!" Benny tugged at Nina's hair. He ran his tongue across her breasts one more time before Kissing Nina, tongue and all. And then, at the same time, they both came.


Nina showered and Benny waited his turn. He hummed quietly to himself and waited. Then he heard "BENNY!" Benny jumped up and ran into the bathroom. Nina stood, naked. "What's wrong?"

"Benny, I'm getting so big!" She said, both hands on her abdomen, a smile on her face. Benny sighed with relief. He kissed Nina's head of wet hair and got in the shower.

Nina left and dressed as it was only 11:30 am. She ordered pizza as she pulled an oversized sweater on. It covered up her pregnancy easily.

The doorbell rang all too soon and she answered. Her mouth watered at the scent of pizza. She handed the delivery guy a 20 and shut the door. The veggie pizza was hot and Nina took a big bite.

Benny came out and took a slice, eating with Nina happily. "So, what shall we do on this beautiful Saturday?"

"I want to go to the beach. Let's go. I have my bathing suit on. Sadly I don't have a one piece, only a bikini." Nina said, sighing.

"Let me go get my swim trunks and we can go to the beach. Okay? You want to go, we'll go."

***Author's Note***

Word count: 725

So...super smutty at first.

Also, should Benny and Nina get a dog or a cat? I'm serious. Dog or cat?

Be fearless!


Becoming One: In The HeightsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz