Twenty-One (Becoming One With A Puppy)

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Nina sat on the couch with Kevin who had his belly exposed, begging for her to pet him. She did, scratching at his skin under his fur. Nina smiled softly as she rubbed his belly lightly. But then the door opened and Benny walked inside. Kevin jumped up, greeting the huge man. To Kevin, both Nina and Benny were giants. They were just so tall. Benny was loud and Nina just pet him all the time. But Kevin loved them both the same.

"Do you ever think that Kevin is afraid of us?" Nina asked. They'd had Kevin for three weeks, far into January. Daniela and Carla were visiting but were in town on a date. Benny and Nina had either work or school so they couldn't join for the fair like Carla wanted.

"I don't know. He seems to be okay with us. I personally think he likes being picked up."

"Yeah. I agree." Nina said with a light laugh as Benny lifted the puppy who licked his cheek.

"Keep that tongue to yourself Kevin." Benny said, laughing as well.

The door opened then as Carla and Dani walked inside. "Benny, you're finally home." Carla said, hugging the tall man to her in a loving, sisterly way.

"Yes, Carla. I'm home. When work calls, work calls. I had to go." Benny laughed. "Now, how was your trip down town?"

"It was great. But Dani kept making me stop so she could take pictures. And to braid someone's hair!"

"Dani, you didn't!" Nina laughed. Daniela smiled at her friend, nodding. "Dear god. How are we gonna explain you two to people?"

"Oh! I know! Tell them you don't know us!" Carla said with a light hearted laugh.

"Never. We love you too much." Nina said, pushing herself up off the couch to hug her friends. "I'm glad you two had fun." The three girls hugged and started to laugh over nothing in particular. Nina had started it, her laugh being contagious.

"What the fuck is so funny?" Daniela asked. "Why are we all laughing?"

"I don't know!" Nina said, still laughing. "But now I have to pee!" She off to the bathroom.


Daniela made dinner for Benny, Nina and Carla as they all chatted, drinking apple juice from wine glasses.

By then, Nina had forgotten about the incident at the beach. But when the phone rang, she answered, feeling her heart drop as the voice of the principal came through. "Hello?"

"Good afternoon Nina. How are you on this lovely Thursday?"

"I'm alright. How are you sir?"

"I'm alright. Now, I hate these kinds of phone calls. So, I would like to see you in two hours for a meeting."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"We'll discuss this in person, Nina." The man hung up the phone, causing Nina to feel a mass of anxiety wash over her.

Daniela was done cooking, calling Nina to come eat.


In the principal's office, Nina fiddled with the edge of her over sized sweatshirt. "Ms Rosario, I need you to take off the sweatshirt." Nina's breath caught. The mishap on the beach came flooding back. She quickly shook her head. "Nina, take off the sweatshirt." Nina wasn't afraid of being caught in hiding her pregnancy. In fact, she was afraid she'd be expelled, or get her scholarship revoked. She once again shook her head before the principal put his hand on hers in a way that reminded her of her father. "You're not in trouble. Just take off the sweatshirt Nina."

Finally, Nina obeyed, unzipping the sweatshirt and took it off. "Please don't expel me. Or take away my scholarship. I can't afford to pay tuition or to not graduate. I'm sorry I didn't tell the school about this. It's just...I was given a hard time about being pregnant by my father and then we fought a ton and he ended up dying. Please. I can't take anymore of this failure crap. Please." Nina broke down, sobbing. The principal was surprised. In the four years Nina had been attending his school, only one teacher had seen her break down, and even they only saw it once. "I'm not letting my pregnancy effect my school work. I'm at the top of my class. I'm not due until two weeks after graduation. Please."

The principal moved to Nina's side. His one thought was to comfort this girl. She had lost her father, felt like a failure. What else was going on inside this girl's head. "Nina, you're not losing your scholarship. I'm not expelling you. You will continue to get your education. Your education comes at a high priority to you, I can tell."


When Nina got home, she brought the dog into hers and Benny's room and closed the door. The puppy settled next to her. He fell asleep to the rhythmic petting from Nina. His head was rested on Nina's baby bump, getting bigger as she was now 24 weeks along.

Benny entered the bedroom seeing Nina cuddling on the bed with the basenji puppy. He saw that she was close to sleeping and decided to tuck her in, kissing her temple and saying goodnight.

***Author's Note***

So, she almost got expelled. But she didn't. Also, I'm gonna make a video about my past and how I got to where I am now. I think that it could maybe help others who were adopted or abused. I just think that so many people out there, teens included, have been abused. And it never goes away. I've never talked to other people (other than my sister) who have been through the same kind of stuff I have. I just think that by sharing my story, I can maybe inspire and/or help others. And this is my way of being fearless. What's yours?

Be fearless!


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