Four (Becoming One At His Place)

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Benny held tightly to Nina. Her father suddenly busted into the apartment. He grabbed Nina by the arm. The 21 year old fought it but she wasn't strong enough. "Let's go. The appointment is made." Kevin said, holding his daughter's arm tightly.

"No! I'm not getting an abortion! I want my baby!" Nina cried.


"At least let me talk to Benny. Just for a moment." Nina cried. Kevin marched his daughter to her boyfriend. "I need...I need my other hand." Kevin reluctantly let go.

Nina took Benny's face in her hands, kissing him hard. Benny's hands went to Nina's waist and lower back. From her waist to her cheek. The kisses became feverish. Kevin pulled his daughter away from Benny. "Let's go Nina!"

"NO!" She finally snapped, pulling away from her father and clutching Benny to her.

"Kevin, we are keeping our baby." Benny said, one arm around Nina's shoulders and his other hand on her flat belly. "I'm in love with your daughter and I will do anything to take care of her." Nina buried her head in Benny's shoulder.

"No. You are not having a baby Nina. Neither of you are ready for this. I wasn't ready when you came along Nina. And I was older than you are now. You aren't ready."

"Yes I am, Papi! I am ready! I'm not you!" Kevin took in a sharp breath causing Nina to realize what she had said. "Papi, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"You're willing to fight for your baby. Maybe you're more ready than I thought." Kevin said. "I'm sorry Nina."


Nina sat in a hot bath while Benny cooked dinner. Her knees were clutched to her chest, her left cheek on her knee and staring at the bathroom door. And then, just as he'd promised 20 minutes earlier, Benny came to check on her. "How are you feeling?" He asked, putting a hand to her head. Nina only shrugged. Benny squeezed Nina's shoulder gently. "Look, nothing's changed. I want this Nina. The only thing that has changed is how much I love you. I love you one million stars. I love you one million trips to the moon and back. You are my shining star, my gravitational pull. I love you more than anything else in the world. You're my best friend, just don't tell Usnavi. He'd kill me." Nina looked at him and forced a smile.

"I...I want this too." Nina's fake smile became faker.

"Nina, don't waste your energy. I know you don't want to smile. Just please, don't waste your energy." Nina immediately lost her smile and tears began to flow. "Baby." Benny lifted Nina, grabbing her a towel, wrapping her in it. Then, he carried her to the bedroom. He helped her into a pair of pajama shorts and a long tee shirt.

Nina rejected the shirt, slipping on her Stanford University sweatshirt. Then, she hugged Benny, her arms wrapped around his neck. She coaxed his lips towards hers. Benny let her take the lead, setting the pace. Her hands traveled to his cheeks while his went to her waist and lower back, pulling her closer to him.

Their kisses became more intense. Nina kissed harder, but not wanting to go farther than that. Benny could tell she just needed to kiss. Nina kept kissing Benny, seemingly unable to stop.

A few breaths and a few minutes later, Nina pulled back, hugging Benny now. "I love you Benny and I love our baby so much already."

"I love you both too."

***Author's Note***

Word count: 600

I might get another chapter up.

Happy New Years Eve! What are your goals for 2018? Mine are not realistic. Like meeting Mandy, getting hot, not being mentally ill. You know, the normal girly wants.

Be fearless guys!

The Author (Ryeli)

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