Three (Becoming One Alone)

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Nina was hurt by her father's demand. She couldn't abort her baby. She wouldn't. Nina pocketed her phone, silently praying Benny wouldn't let her father's words get to him. But just to be sure, Nina spoke. "If you agree with him, tell me now and I'll be out of your life forever."

"What? No baby girl. I want this baby with you. I don't agree with your father." Benny took both Nina's hands in his, their fingers intertwining together. "I love you Nina Rosario. And I know that we're going to love our baby more than anything."

"I love you too Benny Jackson." Nina said before standing on tiptoes to kiss Benny's lips.


Nina went to her art class, feeling confident. She had her sketch pad and drawing kit with her, ready to face the day. "Nina! Hey! Nina!" Jessica shouted from behind Nina as they walked through the halls. Nina stopped. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you since Friday!"

"I was with my boyfriend...helping him set up his apartment." Nina lied.

"Oh. That's sweet." Jessica said, smiling. "We better get to class!"

"Yeah, we should." Nina admitted, walking with her friend to class.

Right before entering, Nina's phone rang. The caller ID read 'Dani'. Nina answered with a small "Hello?"

"GIRL!" Vanessa's voice rang through the phone.

"Don't mind her." Daniela said. "The phone is on speaker so Carla can say hello too."

"Hi Carla, hi Dani, and hi V." Nina said rubbing her temples.

"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL US?!" Vanessa shouted again.

"Tell you what exactly?"

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Vanessa was so damned loud.

"First of all, we weren't gonna tell anyone because my dad wants me to get rid of it. Second of all, I don't know what to do." Nina chose her words carefully since Jessica was right there.

"It? You're calling your unborn child an it?" Carla asked, not believing it. "Also, my pastor says abortions are a sin. So, what would Jesus do?"

"Carla, do I look or sound like Jesus to you?" Nina snapped. After taking a deep breath, Nina pulled herself back together. "I'm sorry Carla. I'm just stressed. And no, I'm not getting rid of it."

"How far along are you, do you know?"

"Um, no. But hey, I gotta go to class now. Love you guys!"

"Love you too! Bye!"

Nina hung up and sighed. "Get rid of what?" Jessica asked. "Wait! Are you moving in with your boyfriend?"

"I'm not sure. But get rid of..." 'Lie, Nina. She can't know. No one can.' Her mind told her. "Well, my boyfriend got me a bearded dragon and my dad doesn't think I can take care of it while taking classes."

"Awe! You'll be a great lizard owner! Don't listen to your dad, he doesn't know what he's talking about." Jessica said, pulling Nina into the classroom.


In the middle of class, Nina was called out of the room. She hesitantly got up, closing her sketch pad and grabbing her phone. Outside the classroom, she met her father face to face. "What are you doing here?" She spat.

"As soon as we got off the phone, I came to make sure you get rid of the baby." Kevin whispered. Nina looked around, making sure no one was around.

"I'm not getting an abortion and you can't make me." Tears stung Nina's eyes.

"Yes I can, I am your father."

"I'm 21. A legal adult. You can't make me do anything anymore. And besides, Benny and I are ready to take this on, we're not getting rid of it." Kevin slapped Nina, causing her to full out sob.

"You will get an abortion Nina. That's it. End of discussion. I'm going to make an appointment and I will be taking you." With that, Kevin stocked off, leaving the class halls.

Nina sunk to the floor, head in her hands. She began to scratch at her wrists. She scratched far too long and far too hard. Her wrists began to bleed but she kept scratching. The professor came to check on her, only to see a broken young woman.

"Ms Rosario, is there anyone I can call?" The professor asked before seeing the blood on Nina's wrists. "Nina, what happened?" Nina kept scratching.

"Can you," She hiccuped through her tears. "Can you call Benny?" Nina asked, handing her teacher her phone.


Benny lifted Nina, one arm under her knees, the other supporting her back. "Thank you Professor. I'll get her home and hopefully she'll be better tomorrow." The professor nodded, handing Benny Nina's things.

Benny took her to his apartment, sitting her on his couch. He cleaned up Her wrists and wrapped them in bandages. "Benny," she sobbed.

"Shh. Don't talk." Benny said lightly.

"My dad...he's make sure I get an abortion. Benny I don't want to get rid of the baby!" Nina sobbed harder, if it was even possible to.

"Nina, did he do anything?" Benny was now worried for Nina's safety.

"He...he slapped me." Nina clutched Benny's shirt in her fists, tears pouring down from her eyes like the water in Niagara Falls.

"I swear to god. Camila will hear about this. Your father's behavior isn't okay." Benny said, rubbing Nina's back.

"I'm scared."

"Me too."

***Author's Note***

Word count: 883

So, shit happened. Um, I feel like this is getting really intense really fast.

My dog just got out of bed and she was keeping me warm but now I'm freezing again. Mother Nature is one hormonal bitch. *in a childish voice* "Cold, cold go away, come again never again."

I need to move to like California or Hawaii where it's hot. Preferably Hawaii because damn. It's so nice and beautiful there. The beaches are beautiful. There's only one thing I don't like. At five in the morning, roosters, wild roosters, wake you the fuck up. I mean, I would rather that than be cold.

Also, Ben Stiller has a house in Kauai which I've seen. Um, my grandmother used to babysit Bethany Hamilton (shark attack survivor and pro surfer) when she lived there. She used to work with Bethany's father on a golf course.

Wow. Yeah. My family has lived everywhere it seems. My aunt lives in Canada, my brother lives in New Hampshire, my mom was born in Ohio, my other grandmother lives in North Carolina, my other other grandmother lived in Florida. Jeez. Wow. My aunt and uncle live in California. Damn.

Okay, I'll stop boring you now.

Be fearless!


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