Chapter 41: Meeting His Family

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Chapter 41: Meeting His Family

  I was facing a huge mansion, no, a castle! Wait no, a modern looking castle. "So, you're ready?" Jacob whispered to my ear. 

  I nodded and went in the huge golden doors. Fresh flowery scent filled the air when I came in. Maids were everywhere. They were cleaning every inch of the house. Jacob led me to his huge living room and suddenly, I saw a lovely young lady on the floral couch fixing the flowers in a vase. She has long black hair that extends down to her waist. She was wearing a royal blue sleeveless shirt and pink pleated shorts. She looks like a model. Her swift but delicate actions towards the flowers are as if she's an expert with it. "Hey sis!" Jacob put his hands around her.

  "Hey boyo!" she shuffled his hair then she looked at me and bent down to hug me. "You must be the cute girl Jacob was talking about on the phone. Hi I'm Jenevieve Hunter, sister of this brat!" she introduced herself as we pulled away. She is way taller than me and I'm only on her shoulders. But, she's not taller than Jacob.   

  "I'm Sam Keith. It's a pleasure to meet you Jenevieve! Wow, you're so pretty," I commented.

  "And you're cute! I like your name. A name like that could be a boy or a girl. Love it! By the way, you smell nice! What perfume do you use?" she smiled, revealing her white teeth. 

  "I'm sorry, she's weird," Jacob interrupted the both of us.

  "You're weirder, Coby," she slapped his arm. "Don't mind him, he just missed me!"

  "Coby? Is that your nickname too?" I laughed.

  "I hate you sis, you had to mention the "nickname," he glared at Jenevieve. 

  "What? She has to know if you two are going to be married,"

  "Married?!" I shouted inside my head. My cheeks are starting to turn red, but I remained silent.

  "What's with all the commotion?" a woman's voice sounded behind us. As I look to see her face, she had a long blonde hair that is tied up into a neat ponytail. Is that Jacob's mom? But she looks so young. Jenevieve and her could be mistaken as sisters. She had the same dark brown eyes as Jacob while Jenevieve has blue eyes. She must've got it from Jake's dad. I wonder where he is. He's the only one missing here.

  "Mom!" both Jacob and Jenevieve came running to hug her. They must've missed each other since they lived separately from them.

  "Hello my most beautiful daugher and my most handsome son!" she said. "Oh, you must be Sam?"

  I flinched when she said my name. I realized I became nervous again. "Y-yeah, my name's Sam Keith."

  "You're so pretty! Let me hug youuu," she came to hug me. "You're so cute and little!" 

  I heard Jacob laughed in the background. It's true that his mom is taller than me, and taller than Jenevieve but I am not small. They're just tall. Jacob and his mom are about the same height. Oh my gosh! I'm in front of giants. I wonder how tall is his dad. His mom pulled away from the hug and brushed few strands of my hair behind my ear. "There, you look much better. I don't want girls who have hairs all over their face."

  "Oh I see, I'm sorry," I got my rubber band out and braided my hair as neatly as I can.

  "Where are my manners? My name's Josie Hunter," we shook our hands together. "I'll go get all of us some tea."

   "Oh I'll help! I know how," I offered.

  "It's not the role of a guest to help," she smiled. "But thanks for the offer!"

  I smiled and went back to the couch with Jenevieve and Jacob who were fighting over the arrangement of the flowers in the vase. I interrupted their fight by asking, "Where's your dad?"

  "3...2...1.." Jenevieve counted and then I saw one tall guy slid down the handle of the giant staircase.

  My eyes suddenly widened. Seriously, is this their dad? "Whaddup pips?" he grabbed Jacob's hand and pulled it closer to him and slammed his shoulder to Jacob's shoulder. He hugged Jenevieve and sat down beside me. "I'm Jacob's dad. The coolest dad he has!" he spread his palm across me. "Gimme a high five!" I did and he laughed. He looked like he's in his 20s but he's probably not. He had a dark brown hair and a sharp nose. Handsome like Jacob and I was right, he had blue eyes. 

  "My name's Jerald Hunter," he introduced himself. Suddenly, Josie appeared upstairs. Their kitchen is upstairs? She was holding a tray full of cups and a teapot. "Excuse me, Sam." Jerald told me and suddenly he climbed up just to kiss Josie on her cheek. Hyper and weird much? And...Jacob much? So that's where Jacob gets his climbing talent and...the childish behavior.

  "Jerald! These might fall," Josie shouted. "You and your childish attitude! Act a little bit more maturely. Sam, I have a question, does Jacob act like this around to you too?"

  "Oh you have no idea," I replied and everyone cracked up except Jacob and Josie. 

  "You have to change your attitude young man," Josie said as she set the cups to each of us and poured the tea. 

  "It's fine, I've gotten used to it," I said. 

  "I admire your patience," Jenevieve said then she took a sip of her tea. "Oh yeah Sam, there was this one time when we were still kids, he complained that he had nothing to do so he agreed on whatever I wanted him to do."

  "Oh no, not that story, Jenevieve! You promise you won't tell anyone," Jacob whined. 

  "Relax Coby! It's Sam, it'll be okay," she got out a photo album. 

  "But I don't want her to see it! Everyone could see it but not her!!!" Jacob's cheeks were flushing with embarrassment. It was cute in a way that I want to see what Jenevieve wanted to show me. 

  "Jacob," Josie reprimanded him. "Go on Sam! You can take a look at it."

  "Oh I will, Mrs. Hunter! Thank you," I stuck my tongue out to him and laughed. Jenevieve revealed to me a cute little girl who is dressed up in a pink fluffy dress and she had a barbie doll in her hand. The girl is so chubby that I want to pinch her cheeks. 

  "She's so cute!" I squealed. "What's her name?"

  "That she," Jenevieve tried to hold her laugh. "Is he." She pointed to Jacob. 

  "Seriously?" I looked at the picture and showed it to Jacob. "You look so adorable, Jake!" I laughed and laughed until my stomach hurts. Everyone came to join me too. 

  "Why are we laughing again?" Jerald asked. 

  "I dunno," Jenevieve answered but the laughing went on. I can't believe Jacob had this funny family. When he told me about his family, I thought they were strict and serious business minded persons but they were not. I love them already. Jenevieve who's now like a sister to me, Josie who controls the family, Jerald who's the funny and cool type father and finally Jacob, the childish and unpredictable guy who's for me. Jacob went closer to me and snuck me out of the laughter. 

  He led me to their wide balcony. The sun shines brightly and I see a lot of green. Spring is already near and I can't wait. "Sorry if they're acting crazy in front of you."

  "N-no! I love them Jacob!" I admitted. "It's like I felt I belong to your family. I never wanted to end the craziness and happiness we spent awhile ago. I love your family."

  I saw him smile and then he kissed me on the forehead, "Then I won't let that end. I promise."


  "You'll find out later,"

  "M'kay!" then I leaned my head on his shoulder.

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