Chapter 21: Everything's Better With You ♫

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Chapter 21: Everything's Better With You ♫

  Yesterday, I was in a hectic situation. I had a hard time catching up yesterday's lessons because of me cutting classes with Liam. Also, Liam was also bugging me about hanging out with him during Christmas vacation. We exchanged numbers because he told me to. Katie and Bethany are starting to cheer me on with him and I hated it. It would be better if they knew about Jacob, but that is not a good idea. And yesterday during work, Jacob visited me as usual in his favorite disguise. A lot of people came too that's why I was almost crazy yesterday. 

  But today, today is the start of Christmas vacation so I'm beginning to relax. I've started to wear the clothes Jacob gave me when the time when he went to outlet shops. They were warm enough. 

  "Sam! Let's go somewhere today!" Jacob yelled from downstairs. Right now, I'm up at my room snuggling with my warm clothes on my bed. They smell so new. 

  I groaned loudly, hopefully he heard it. I just wanna relax and take my da—

  "C'mon! I promise! It would be fun!" he opened the door. His face was eager and excited. What has gotten into him? "Please please please! It's also a shame you don't get to show off your new clothes."

  My head jerked up from my pillow. He's got a point. No one would see me in this cute outfit he bought for me but then, I remembered something again. "You got a point, about you?"

  "I can disguise myself as usual," he smiled his smile. Honestly, I'm starting to hate the idea that he has to disguise himself every time he has to go out with me. It's as if he can't be himself when he's with me. And...he doesn't look good when he's blonde. Sometimes, I even think that we could just go out whenever we want not caring who he's with or who I'm with. I'm starting to think I can't live that way.

  "Never mind, I'll just keep my head low so no one could see me," he suddenly added. He must've seen my reaction to the topic. "So, shall we? Sam?" He reached out his hand.

  Smile invaded my lips and I nodded as I took his extended hand. When we're about to head out, he wore a cap on his head. Then we head off to somewhere I don't know where. Finally after like thirty minutes, we've arrived in an ice skating rink.

  "Teach me how to ice skate," he winked as he pulled me with him. He paid for our passes with his cap lowered down careful enough not to let anyone see his face. We got into the spacious ice rink and found only few people skating. Only few are couples, while the rest are like practicing for a competition. My mind suddenly wandered if Jacob and I are already a...couple. I wanted to ask him, but I'm so scared. I pushed that thought for aside and decided to simply focus what's happening.

  "Ja—ke!" my tongue almost slipped for Jacob. "Yeah, uhh...Jake. Let's um skate!" 

  "Nice save, bucko!" he slowly placed his right leg on the ice floor then his left. His legs crossed that he almost fell but I caught his arms. "Gee thanks! Almost let my butt kissed the floor." He laughed. I patiently teach him ice skating until we reached lunch time. He finally got the hang of it. I'm so proud of him. He tried to skate around the rink for like three times and he didn't fall even once. Therefore, I conclude he can skate. He grabbed my hand then we skated and skated. Suddenly, colorful spotlights lighted the floor. It feels like I'm in a magical wonderland. Jacob placed his hand around my waist as he guided me. Using his free arm, he took my hand and let me twist in front of him. I did. He lift me up in his arms and I spread my arms as he skated through the icy floor then gently put me down the same time the lights disappeared. People were staring at us again. I don't know if it's our accidental performance or they noticed Jacob. Silence crept over among all of us except the loud beat of my heart. It's as if my heart beat was just the one making a noise. Then, I heard an applause. Jacob lowered down his hat and bowed. I imitated him and we slowly exited our way.

"Jacob? Do you think they noticed you?" I almost slapped myself for asking that stupid question while I was eating my sandwich. Jacob took me to a famous sandwich shop to let us have our lunch. 

  "Nah, doubt it," he said while chewing. "Say aah!" He offered me a bite of his sandwich and I playfully bit it. Something sticky and moist was at the side of my mouth, definitely mayonnaise. Reaching for the tissue beside me, Jacob snatched it away from me as he took one and wiped my mouth. My heart skipped a thousand of beats. This is something couples would do. 

  "You're such a messy messy girl!" he said to me as he crumpled the tissue and put it at the side of his plate. He took the last bite of his sandwich and this time, I saw ketchup spread on the corner of his lip. 

  "Look who's talking," I said as I get a tissue from his grasp and wiped his mouth gently like he did to mine but he pressed my hand to his lips which made my hand froze. He kissed it except that the tissue was the one blocking his kiss to my hand. I recoiled my hand and went back to eating my sandwich. After he finished MY sandwich—since I couldn't finish it all—he paid the bill again. 

  This time, I was the one who's leading. I'm taking him to the place where my parents always take me whenever I get bored during winter. I've decided to blindfold him. It's just a few walks away from this shop. I took off his blindfold and looked at his face for a reaction. His eyes were shining. His lips were spread into a smile. Seeing him like this made me smile too. I'm so glad he also likes this place.

  "So what are we gonna do? Oh I know!" he dragged me again. I was half jogging and half walking behind him. "Stay here." The "here" he was talking about is a wide open area. I pouted when suddenly disappeared. He's good at that. Then suddenly, something hit my shoulder. Snow.

  "SNOWBALL FIIIGHHHT!" Jacob yelled from behind me as he threw another snowball at me. 

  I threw one back at him and it hit him. For the past few hours, we were snowball fighting and tickling each other on the snow. Good thing, he led me to an unnoticable place in the park which where nobody could see us being ourselves. Most importantly, they can't see him here. We also built a snowman and named it after our initials Mr. SJ. I brought up the idea in making snow angels. Our hands and feet sway up and down and up and down until they were neatly carved to the snow. 

  We were lying in the snow silently as we watch the sky turn from light blue to pink then to red and then to orange. Jacob suddenly held my hand on the snow as he pulled me up to sit on the bench with him.

  "Sam? May I ask you a question?" Jacob said.

  "Aren't you doing it already?" I asked back.

  "Ok. Let me rephrase that. Sam, I will ask you a question."

  "That's better," I chuckled. "What is it, Jacob?"

  "Can we become a couple now? Since if you haven't noticed, I just took you out on a date," he played with his fingers, not looking at me. Usually, he does that when he feels embarrassed towards me. I'm surprised I've memorized his actions. I find it cute, actually.

  "Wow, this date is fun!" I exclaimed.

  "I know and I will never ever forget this, Sam," now, he looked at me straight in my eyes. "Sam, I like you. You're the first girl who made me feel this way. I promise I won't hurt you. I will be forever by your side. So...will you be my girlfriend?" I froze. 

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