Chapter 31: A Shoulder to Cry On

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Chapter 31: A Shoulder to Cry On

  It's already been one month since Jacob has broken up with me. Liam and I are now dating each other. Katie, Bethany, Harry, Johnny, Liam, and I are triple dating. Today, since it's a weekend, they've invited me to join them in karaoke and playing the arcade. I'm still at home trying to think of what to wear. Finally, I've decided. I picked out my lime-colored coat, long-sleeved turtle-neck in the inside, a berret, denims, and my boots. I've also added a few touches of bangles in one of my hands. It's nice to look stylish. As I face the mirror, as if I was dressed for a dancing show. Since I was bored, I started doing wacky stylish poses in front of the mirror and tried to smile most of the time when I heard a knock on my door. "Liam! He's here!" I said in my head as I ran down the stairs. 

  "Hey there Sammy!" he greeted me. "You look cute in this lovely weather we're having today!" He said with a cheerful tone.

  "Are you this excited?" I smiled back.

  "Pretty much?" he laughed. "C'mon, let's go!" He was about to put his arms around me but he stopped. I looked at him but he avoided my gaze.

 As he took me to the arcade, everyone's there, "So, what now?" I jumped excitedly. 

  "Do whatever we want! Just have some FUN!" Bethany exclaimed happily that some people passing by were staring at her. "Pssh, who cares if they stare?" she mumbled while Harry kissed her on the cheek. "That's my Bethany!" A stinging feeling went through my chest, they're so sweet with each other and it just led me to think about...Jacob. After one month has passed, I still can't believe I haven't moved on. Suddenly, Liam tugged my hair gently that made me innocently look at me. 

  "Let's play air hockey, are you up for it?" he asked. "It's ok if you don't feel like it since—"

  "No, it's okay! I'm game!" I exclaimed. I have to try to forget about him. I have to. Because he's forgetting about me. I took Liam's hand which surprised him and dragged him to the air hockey thingie. 

  "I'm sure you're going to lose. In fact, ya know, I'm good at this," I flaunted. "I even beat Katie and Bethany at this."

  "Oh yeah? Let's take a whack at it. Show me what you got, Sam!" Liam's eyes lit up as if it's ready to hit me with his paddle. I took the first move. I hit the puck as hard as I can and it moved swiftly from side to side. My eyes followed its every move, careful to not let it go inside the hole. Liam took one hit but it hit the side of the board so the puck went into his side. After our game, I won. 

  "I've gotta say, you're pretty good at this," he scratched his head. "I can't believe I've been beaten by a girl."

  "Well," I lift the collar of my coat and flicked my nose with my finger. "Of course!" I laughed.

   When all of us were done in our given time at the arcade, we all had lunch together in, believe it or not, the same place Jacob took me after the time we finished skating. The sandwich place. They ordered for me but I had a hard time finishing my sandwich up because it was the same order Jacob ordered for me. I can't believe fate is torturing me like this. Liam must've noticed it so I excused myself to go to the washroom. When they did, I carefully sneaked my way out of the restaurant and stood in the corner and I started to sniffle. Why did Jacob have to do this to me? I got out my phone from the pocket of my coat and plugged my earphones and listened to Jacob's voice. 

  "Sam, I like you. You're the first girl who made me feel this way. I promise I won't hurt you. I will be forever by your side. So...will you be my girlfriend?"  Jacob said those words to me. I repeated it twice, then thrice and I stopped because my heart is breaking. How could he? Since I couldn't hold it any longer, I put back my phone and earphones back in my pocket and went to the alley beside the shop and shouted. I sat down the icy cold floor. I didn't care if it would freeze my rear end. Then, I suddenly remembered the time when I made an excuse for him when Liam confessed to me. The poop thing. I suddenly laughed but it came out to be just a croak in my voice.

  Suddenly, Liam appeared beside me holding out his handkerchief to me. His eyes were worried.

  "Ho-how'd you find me here?" my voice cracked from crying.

  He ignored my question and sat beside me, "Here. Wipe your tears." he said comfortingly.

  I took it, embarrassed of myself, and wiped my tears. "Thanks Liam. I'm all better!" I returned his handkerchief which he put it inside his pocket. I tried to stand up but he pulled me down and let me lean on him.

  "Sam, it's ok, cry all of it out," he said quietly. "I don't mind. I'm here. Go on, it's ok. It's only me. Cry on me."

  My heart gave in and cried in front of Liam, my face on his shoulders. "Liam! Why? Why? How could he? Liam! I'm so hurt! My heart couldn't take this..." I whined and complained and wept. He just sat there quietly and rubbed my back. 

  I had no more tears left. My eyes were puffy. Liam took my face in his hands and brushed his thumb on my cheek. "You did a job well done, Sam. Feeling better?" Liam congratulated me. I nodded happily and gave him a hug. 

~Liam's Part~

  My heart gave a lot of beats when she gave me her first hug, but I realized one thing while she cried. She has shed so many tears for that person who left her. This only shows that I can't compare to him. That's the hard core truth. I can never be her special someone. Just a shoulder to cry on. As she pulled away, I fight back a smile and kissed her forehead abruptly which she acknowledged with a smile. Like Mitch always does. 

  "Thanks Liam!" she smiled, finally. 

  "There you go!" I said. "A smile!"

  She smiled once more and thanked me again. But I knew this though, this smile doesn't last forever until she's with Jacob. And I quite knew that I can't give her that happiness, but I'll try. For Sam. I love her. 

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