Chapter 3: Hide and Seek!

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Chapter 3: Hide and Seek! 

Oh yeah! I have forgotten that I heard from the news last night that there would be an inspection of houses in this area.  

"I forgot to tell you, by the way, they have hired search teams for you," I said embarrassingly. "They're going to check all of the houses in the area." 

"I've also got a feeling about this," he said, annoyed. "I'll go hide! Help me!" 

He scooted out from his chair and pulled me with him. I signaled to my bathroom. 

"Hide here. I'll go make up an excuse!"  

"Of all places, why--?" he started to ask me but I already slammed the door in his face and head downstairs to open the door. And I think I saw him pout. 

Luckily, there were only three men standing outside. Two officers and probably Jacob's manager. They look haggard already although it's still early in the morning. They must've visited many houses already. 

"Good morning pretty Miss but we'll just have to inspect the house for--" one of the officers said but I cut him off by saying, "I know I know. Jacob Hunter's missing case. Come in!"  

They started searching the dining room, opening and closing tall cabinets which all of my jars and plates were placed. I'm starting to think they just want to pry at other people's things because while they were looking, they were asking me where did I buy this and that. About three minutes, they finished inspecting. They finished my room about five minutes because of asking where I bought all my stuffs which they say were cute. At last, the bathroom! 

"Guys," I moaned. "I think I need to pee. You guys can go now!" 

"But we're not yet finish looking at your other cute--" the manager said while the two officers shoved both of their elbows to his shoulder. "I mean, the search is not yet over." 

"Just give me a minute! I'll just pee. You guys can head to my room first. But DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!"  

"Yey! We can still see the--" one of the officers said but he stopped to say,"I meant to say was, sure! We won't touch anything." He smiled then went to my room and the others followed him. 

I went in the bathroom and to find out Jacob was looking at my things in my medicine/beauty cabinet. He's holding my shampoo in one of his hands. He saw me but he still held it like I wasn't there.  

"What do you think you're doing?!" I whispered angrily at him. "Put that back!" 

"You've got split ends issues?" he laughed. 

I felt embarrassed. "Just just ugghh! Whatever! None of your business!" 

He laughed. "You're very funny! Fine, I'll put it back! So, how's it goin?" 

"On second thought, I'll just let you go. They're just in my room." 

"Look, I'm sorry. Please? Forgive me?" 

I sighed, pitying him. "I told them I was gonna pee. They're going to inspect this room next. What are we going to do?" 

"I dunno. Think of a plan then tell me," he shrugged. I was about to open my mouth to argue but... 

"Hey Miss, you done peeing?" one of the police officers outside asked. 

"That's your cue! Good luck!" he winked and went inside my bathtub which made me feel irritated. So I went out. 

"Hey guys," I started. "Umm, you don't have to inspect there anymore. Awful smell inside!"  

"It's fine," the manager started turning the knob but I put my back against the door. 

"Seriously guys!" I told them. Then I heard a soft chuckle inside and I felt embarrassed again. 

"It's ok Miss! We've visited many houses and we've met worse situations. I'm sure we can handle it!" it was too late. The manager turned the knob shoving me aside. All I could think of was, "I'm so dead! I'm so dead! I'm so dead!" I followed them inside and Jacob was nowhere in sight. 

They left and thank me and I went back up the bathroom. 

"Psst! You still there? Mr. Hunter?"  

"What's with 'Mr. Hunter'? You can just call me Jacob! By the way, cute underwears!" he climbed up my bathroom window. 

"Pervert!!!" I screamed embarrassingly and I could feel my cheeks were hot. "I thought you couldn't think of any plan." 

"Please, when it comes to these things, I ALWAYS have a plan. I was just messin' with you!" he laughed out loud. 

"I'm going to school!" I muttered. 

"See you later! Remember, the secret!" he winked then went outside. 

I followed him but instead of going to the kitchen, I head to the door.

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