Chapter 27: New Year!

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Chapter 27: New Year!

  After Christmas, Jacob and I had been spending a lot of time together. As much as possible, at home. I didn't want anyone to find out about him. We played video games, texted even though we're just beside each other, and other wacky fun stuffs. I opened my Christmas presents the day after Christmas and Katie gave me a new pair of shoes. Bethany gave me a cute satchel that I've always wanted. Harry and Johnny gave me Christmas cookies. Liam gave me a cute checkered shirt. Jacob gave me...well, not really give, but sent. It was like this, we were playing with my stuffed animals in my room then we stumbled. We were lying side by side on my floor with stuffed animals surrounding us and he took a picture of the both of us using his cellphone. I wanted to retake the photo again but he doesn't want to so he hatched up the idea of sending me the picture from his cellphone to mine since I wanted it so badly. He said he didn't have the time to Christmas shopping. But it was sweet in a way. I made the picture as my wallpaper. Actually, this was the first photo of us being together in our happy faces so I fell in love with this photo and I never wanted to lose it.


It's New Year! 

  I've finally let Jacob and I roam the streets. He didn't want to wear his disguise anymore since there were only few people. The street we walked on is only for walking so no cars or trucks or any vehicles can drive through here. Food stalls and game stalls were put up to celebrate New Year. Luckily, only few people came looking at our direction. Jacob, by the way, is still wearing his sunglasses. Only few people noticed Jacob and had his autograph taken which was fine with me because it was his life and I have no right to take it away from him. 

  As we walked through the streets, I suddenly heard a noise. It was growling. I listened to the right then to the left. Nothing. Few seconds passed, the growling noise was heard again until I found out it was Jacob's stomach who was grumbling, "Jacob? Are you hungry?" I asked trying to hide the laughter inside me.

  "Who said I was hungry?" he defended, though his cheeks were red.

  "Your tummy," I poked it several times until he got annoyed and poked my arm a lot of times. 

  "So what, I'm hungry, Jacob Hunter could survive without lunch. Trust me, I did. Remeber the time where we shopped separatedly? The time I went shopping for clothes and you grocery shopped?" he said. "I didn't have my lunch because Sam's—"

  "Because Sam's cooking is better," I finished the sentence for him. "Yeah, I know and that was sweet for you to say because it's true!" I winked and searched for a food stall.

  "You made me sound embarrassing," he muttered under his breath while I just laughed. I was so touched he could still recall the times we have spent together. One day, we were just strangers and now, who would thought I could be in a relationship with a famous actor? Suddenly, I kissed him on the cheek which made him look shocked.

  "What did you that for?" he asked. 

  "Nothin, I just remembered something," I skipped happily, getting away from him as I found a barbecue stall. "Excuse me sir, how much for this?"

  "Oh I'm selling them for free since it's New Year and because you look like a nice young lady," the old man said. 

  "No kidding?" I exclaimed. "Thanks Mister! I'll have two please?"

  "Here you go! Enjoy, little sunflower!" he said humbly.

  "Thank you so much! Happy New Year!" I bid him goodbye happily then I went back to Jacob who found a bench to sit on.

  When I was about to sit on the bench, he grabbed me from behind and let me sit on his lap. I made a giant ruckus in front of the public because of shrieking out loud and trying to get off his lap, but eventually he quieted me down. "Shh, do you want everyone to know that I'm here?" he whispered. 

  I shook my head no and gave him his barbecue. I ate mine silently and blushing because I still can't believe I'm on his lap, "Hey, you can put me down now. I'm heavy." I whined. 

  "I know," he replied.

  I pouted. It wasn't the answer I'm expecting while I chomped down the last two meats on my stick then I threw it. He saw me then he tapped my shoulder. "Yeah? What is it?" I asked.

  "Feed me," he gave me his barbecue stick and opened his mouth. 

  "Pssh! So narcisstic," I muttered under my breath as I fed him while he just snickered. Then, I had an idea. I brushed his cheek so he got a line of barbeque sauce just above his lip. It looks like a mustache, but shorter. 

  "Get that off," he said. "Wipe it."

  "No way," 

  "I'll erase your wallpaper," he held out my cell from his hand. How did my phone...? "Now, wipe it off, using your....lips." He gave me an evil smile.

  "Tsk, fine. Just give me back my phone and don't erase the pic," I finally said. 

  "Cross my heart," he smiled as he waited for me to do it. Slowly, I leaned closer to him and licked the sauce above his lip when he suddenly pushed my head towards him so my lips landed to his. I leaned away, embarrassed. 

  "There, done. Give me back my cellphone," I said, my back facing his. I'm so embarrassed and my feelings were tumbling and overjoying. 

  "Happy New Year!" he said as he gave me back my cellphone and chomped down the last piece of meat on his barbecue stick and threw it also. "By the way, my New Year's to get closer to you as much as possible, even if I have to be demanding." he whispered in my ear. 

  "Ehh?!" I asked in an alarmed voice. "D-demanding? Oh no..."

  "Oh yess," he said then he hugged me. "So be prepared!"

  "Whatever," I replied hugging his arms. 

~Jacob's Part~

  I've noticed. While we were strolling, there were men in black suits. They had cameras hanging on their necks. Paparazzis. They were following both Sam and me and I had to keep her safe. Right now, I've lost tracked of them. It's a good thing Sam saved the both of us. Does she know? I hope she doesn't. I don't want her to be worried. The important thing right now is Sam. She's my priority. I'm keeping her safe, and that's a promise and risk I'm going to take. 

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