Chapter 38: Trust Issues

Start from the beginning

I pull myself together and leave the room. It's a guys night considering Christina left with both of the twins for her photo shoot. The plan that Christian came up with is completely ridiculous. Why in hell would they want to bring him back here? Here! Of all places. Why to the home Grayson and I have created? It was just us before she came along. And honestly since then the only good she's brought to his life is the twins and the love he feels for her.

This home. My home. Grayson's and I's home. The home we built for each other. So we could be safe and loved all within the comfort of each other. When she first moved in it was quiet. Peaceful. Definitely not what I had expected at all. Then months later everything started to change. I could see Grayson change as a person within those few months. He was no longer soft and caring but protective. At that time he just didn't want to get fucked over again. And she promised she wouldn't. And she kept that promise. She didn't break it. But she broke him. I couldn't fix him. Only she could.

"Earth to Ethan" Grayson waves his hand I front of my face finally getting my attention.

"Oh yeah"

"Are you going to answer the question or?"

"Can you please state the question once more?" I ask.

"In which plant can be used to help treat acne amongst other things such as aftershave, sunburn, moisturizing and aging?" Christian says once more.

"Aloe vera" I say without another thought.

"Correct one more point for Ethan" Grayson marks the board with another tally.

"Who's winning so far?"

"Christian with a total of 35 points, then Ethan you're second place with 30 and I'm last with 15 points" he mumbles his points under his breath.

"15 are you serious?" Christian and I both laugh.

"It's not funny. You know I never payed attention in anything. Lunch is the only subject I know"

"Lunch isn't a subject and the fact that you think it is proves your incompetence to this game" Christian chuckles.

"In-comp-entence?" He tilts his head to the side trying to figure out what the word meant.

He takes another few seconds before opening his mouth again, "Hey, I'm not dumb."

"I didn't say that"

"Yes you did"

"I have no time to argue with a child, shall we move onto the next game?" Christian raises his eyebrows as Grayson's furrow.

"Yes please. Maybe a game I can kick his ass at?" Grayson suggests clearly mad that Christian had insulted his lack of intelligence.

"Alright Alright. Stop fighting you both are acting as such children. And I mean you too Christian. Insulting someone's lack of intelligence is not only rude but childish and Grayson, we know you're dumb, get over it. You can't even read" I roll my eyes as Christian spits out the water he was drinking.

Grayson's jaw clenched tighter than it was before. I clearly did not help the situation but who the fuck cares at this moment.

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