Seriously?! I Get Kidnapped AGAIN! (29)

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Ali sat on her bed, refusing to come out and face the Doctor again. She could never have guessed that the Doctor, of all people, could have destroyed Gallifrey. He was the nicest, most kind hearted person she know. It doesn't seem like he would hurt a fly. (Until it turns into a mutated creature trying to eat everyone that is.)

Still, that doesn't change what he did. Even with the most powerful time machines in the universe, she still can't go back to change what happened. He did what he did and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

It's ironic how when you have a time machine, you can go anywhere and do anything you want. You save hundreds of people from horrible situations, but when things start to get personal, you no longer control anything. You have to sit there helpless while no one is there to stop it.

Ali heard a knock on the door. She knew it was the Doctor since he is the only person in the TARDIS (and the last person she wants to see right now.)

"Go away," Ali snapped. She didn't want to see the man who has billions of lives on his hands. Ali couldn't understand how can he live with that on his conscious.

The Doctor sighed before (sadly) continuing. "Ali, listen to me-"

"No! You killed everyone without even thinking of the consequences. And you didn't even stay and die with them. You say you save people. Maybe that makes you feel better in your twisted mind. Like saving a life will make up for killing another." Ali scoffed at the end.

The Doctor was about to knock again, his hand inched from the door but he decided to leave it. He figured Ali needed time. She might never forgive him but the Doctor didn't want to think of that now. He slowly stepped back and walked back to the console room. It's bright orange walls and the circle things cheered he Doctor up a little. A little. What Ali said brought back memories of guilt and shame. He was finally starting to forget but Ali reminded him. She brought back those hundreds of years where he wished there was another way.

The Doctor went to the console and checked the screen. He notices a orange dot blinking in the corner. He looked around to make sure no one was looking before he gently hit the screen. The orange dot grew until it's edges hit the outline and the TARDIS rattles like it was trying to say:

WTF ya dumb sh*t? Don't f**king hit me. That's abuse. Since you wanted the dot to go away, I made it bigger. Take the hint dumbass, it's not going away. (I gave the TARDIS a really sassy and rude personality for some reason. Don't question me.)

The Doctor sighed. He put a mental note to clean the TARDIS' screen with soap. (Since she didn't really have a mouth) He pressed a button to see what the ever-so-important dot was about. The screen lit up with Gallifreyan writing. It was the results from Ali (or Allison's) scan. Since the Doctor had to quickly change what he was scanning, the TARDIS scanned the tiniest bit of Allison.

It took this long because it only had a finite amount of her full body scan, it was trying to fill in the gaps.

The Time Lord looked at her profile. It looked normal for a Time Lord. Body temperature 59 degrees fahrenheit, three brain stems, 170 beats per minute and all the normal things in a scan.

He was about to go away but something caught his eye. There, next to an example of her DNA was a certain sentence that would change the Doctor's life. It was too small to read so he was about to press the very button that would allow him to read it. He went to reach for it.

Then the TARDIS shook. The lights flickered. The Doctor ran around the console to try and see what was happening and how he can fix it.

Ali stormed in the room, hands on her hips. "What did you do now?!" The TARDIS shook again, casing both Time Lords to fall to the ground.

"I didn't do anything. I think we're being attacked." The Doctor was about to get up but then he realized that Ali seemed to be fading. A dim blue light surrounded her. The light started to get stronger until suddenly, Aly was gone.

Ali's POV

A blue light consumed my vision until it finally went away. I looked around to see a room that was not the TARDIS.

'Great, one more thing to add to my list of bad things that have happened to me,' I sarcastically thought. 'This day couldn't possibly get worse.'

Suddenly a door opened. I immediately regretted saying that nothing could get worse because it already had. Why did I have to say that?

"The Time Lord has been captured." It's metallic voice rang in my ears. It sounded very familiar but I couldn't remember where I heard it from. My brain was still trying to remember stuff from my past.

I looked down, not wanting to see who captured me. The material that the ship (or I assumed it was a ship) was made of looked so familiar. It was a big scene of deja vu. I feel like I've seen all this before.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"You are a Time Lord, you are valuable." Suddenly I remembered where I've seen this. I wanted to explode this ship and everything on it. The things on this ship weren't even human. I jumped up and started to race for the door.

I heard my captors yell orders to shoot me. Their voices filled with hatred.


A/N- Hi! I've been drawing a lot so I usually have two parts unpublished on Google Doc but since I've been busy drawing Be More Chill fan art, I only have one unpublished, fully written part sooooo. I'll make myself write more. I'll just ask my friend to force me.

RA49: Okay? Can you do that @TheWeridnessOfVe ? Just constantly remind me.
TWoV: Sure I guess
RA49: Say hi!
TWoV: Uh hi?

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