Who Are You Allison? (Two)

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River's POV

I sat in the station, checking the time. 13:08. Allison just left with my vortex manipulator. He should be here soon. I stood up and sure enough, the TARDIS noise started up. Seriously, he shouldn't leave the breaks on. When she became solid I stood in front of the doors. They opened (inward) as the Doctor poked his head out. I smiled.

"Right on time." Another head poked out after. Allison waved.

"Hello again strange River lady!" I smiled.

"Hello Allison. I see you've found the Doctor." They stepped out and Allison looked at the exterior. She started to walk again but did a double take. The Doctor smiled at me.

"This is the best part," he whispered. I playfully smiled. He always found it hilarious when people noticed it's bigger on the inside. It is a little funny. Allison touched the wood outside of the TARDIS.

"Wait for it," The Doctor nudged my arm and smiled like a little child on Christmas. (Which he was most of the time.)

Allison turned around. "Is the chameleon circuit not working or something?" The Doctor's face was full of confusion.

"How do you know about the chameleon circuit?" Allison just leaned against the TARDIS.

"Well, shouldn't the TARDIS blend in with the space station. You know, shouldn't it be all spacey?" I smiled. Yep, thats definitely her. The Doctor still had a dumbfounded expression on his face. He looked at me smirking.

"Do you know who she is and why she knows?" I started walking towards the recreation room. I turned around and waved for the Doctor to follow. He started to walk behind me.

"So you know who she is." We walked into the rec room. It had dark circular couches.

"Yes I do." He waited for me to say more but I didn't.

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Sweetie, it's because you need to find out." I smiled as he started to sit down. He crossed his legs as he leaned back.

"Who told you about her? I'm assuming you just met her recently so someone had to tell you about her."

"You're right. Someone did tell me about her but I still can't tell you about her." I leaned against a wall.

"Well, who? And why can't you tell me?" I shook my head and smiled.

"You told me. And the reason why is because the timeline. You should know." He suddenly stood up and walked towards me.

"Well when you put it that way, I get it. Fine, let's go find out who Allison really is." He walked out and I smiled to myself.

"Oh and Doctor." He turned around. "Be sure not to tell me until you're one hundred percent sure who she it."

Wait, how did River know who I was when even I didn't? I felt a little bad for eavesdropping but I had a feeling that they were talking about me, which they were. When I heard their conversation end, I went back to the TARDIS and was reading the 'Pull To Open' sign that was on the door. They walked back in and I tried to act like I don't know what they talked about.

"Hey guys, whats up?" I just smiled. The Doctor seemed to examine me, then he smiled. I looked at his eyes, (not in a romantic way though) they reminded me of someone from my past but I couldn't remember. Stupid memory.

"What's wrong?" River walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder in a mother-like gesture.

"My memory's being dumb. It's annoying." The Doctor looked confused.

"Why is your memory being strange?" I just shrugged. He stroked his shin.

"Maybe I should scan you in the TARDIS." I nodded as we stepped into the magical blue box.

I stood very still as the Doctor used to TARDIS scanners on me. I examined the room. It was easier to concentrate now that I wasn't soaking wet. There was a glass floor that showed to inner workings of the consol. The walls were bright orange with circle things on them. The main control was also orange with weird buttons everywhere. The platform had railings and led to many rooms.

"So how does this whole scanning thing work?"

"Well, I'm scanning all of you. Memory, species, and all that good stuff." I didn't want him to know everything. I quickly ran off before he could finish the scan.

"Hey, what was that all about?"

"That's my personal business. What if you see something that I don't want to know and then suddenly you hate me? I will only agree to the memory thing. Not everything else, got it?"

He reluctantly agreed and looked at River.

"Why do you keep looking at her? Do you guys know something?" Of course I knew why he kept looking at her but I wanted to see if they would tell or not.

"Well," The Doctor scratched the back of his neck. "Ah, it's because-oh lookie here! The memory scan is done!" I rolled my eyes. He avoided the question but I let it go for now. "Hmm....interesting." He stroked his chin as he examined the results.

"What is it Doctor?" River looked at the screen as well.

"It seems like someone wiped her memory. A lot of it to be exact. Wait, I think the results came out wrong." He turned to me. "How many years did it actually wipe?"

"Um...that's the tricky thing with memory loss. You don't know how much has been wiped. So I have no clue."

He looked back at the screen.
"It says that you've been whipped at least fifty years but that's not possible." I thought about it for a little.

"That's seems about right."

"Right? How? Look at you! You're at least,what? Sixteen. Maybe seventeen."

"Why thank you. No, I'm not. I'm, well, not human so I'm a lot older than I look." The Doctor didn't seem surprised.

"Is that why you didn't want me to find out your race?" He started walking quickly up to me, his face a little serious. "Are you dangerous?"

"Umm I don't think so. I mean, if I want to be I can." I nervously laugh. The Doctor's expression softened.

"Okay. Do you know where you come from if you're not from Earth?" I thought about if for a minute. "Okay, what's the last thing you remember?"

"The Time War." His eyes widened. Then he shook his head.

"No that's not possible. How do you know about that?" I just rolled my eyes and placed my hand on my hip.

"Duh. I'm like you. I'm a Time Lord."

A/N   Yay. Chapter two. I left it on a cliffhanger. Mwahaha. I will update probably tomorrow. All the chapters a pre-written up to chapter Seven so I will post daily. Anyways, how you guys like it.

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