History Can Be Fun Right? (Seven)

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Third Person POV

The TARDIS shook as the Doctor ran around the consol. Allison tried to help but the Doctor said to not touch anything.

"I can do this! Just let me think about this. Let's see, the stabilizers might be out of sync. No no no, we would be flying everywhere if that happened. Maybe if we were riding on the edge of a pocket universe? Hmm, no. Oh! If I just do this...."

He ran to the left and flip a switch and turned a knob. The TARDIS shook again, obviously not liking it. "Wait, that should have worked!"

Allison sighed and rolled her eyes. She casually strolled up to the back of the console and switched a lever and typed something on the keyboard. Suddenly the TARDIS stopped shaking and the Doctor looked around confused.

"What did you do? And how come when I did something, it didn't work?"

Allison chuckled. She smiled smugly.
"Well it's quite simple. You always over complicate things. We hit space turbulence. See, simple." Allison crossed her arms and leaned against a rail. The Doctor looked in disbelief.

"Space turbulence. Space turbulence?! We did not hit space turbulence."

Allison moved her head in to direction of the screen. The Doctor looked and his face was full of shock. Then he pressed his lips together and slowly nodded his head.

"We did hit space turbulence." He spun around energetically. "So Allison, where do you want to go?" She stroked her chin.

"America! But in the future. Maybe 7181. I just want to see the future and I've always wanted to see America! Well, I'm not sure about the always but I really want to go there." The Doctor just shrugged.

"Okay. Wherever you want to go I guess." He pulled the big lever with the lights on the side and the TARDIS made its usual 'whooo whooo' noise. (A/N. I dare someone to try and imitate that sound in real life. And be honest if you did it.)

After a couple of seconds of them being tossed around the room the TARDIS finally stopped and solidified. Allison eagerly jumped down from the raised platform and rushed to the doors. She opened the doors excitedly only to find cannons firing and orders being shouted. The Doctor ran behind her. She tried to warn him put they both toppled out of the wooden box.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Allison squirmed from under the Doctor's arm. She looked around.

"Where are we? This doesn't look like the future. Everyone has red jackets and those stupid wigs." The Doctor looked around.

"Oh. This isn't 7181. It's 1781." He sighed. "Yorktown, the American revolution." Allison tried to run towards the TARDIS but someone pushed her out of the way.

"Get down!" She turned around to find a man in a blue coat with white edges. He had one of those wigs on and brown eyes.

"Hey! Watch it!" Then the TARDIS shook. Allison tried to stand up but the man pushed her down again.

"Hey, what is it with you and the shoving!?"

"I'm trying to save your life! The British are firing their cannons and they seem to be targeting that box you came from." Allison looked around and saw that two other men were pointing guns at the Doctor. Allison ran over to him and put her hands up, blocking the guns.

"Wait! We just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time." She smiled, trying to convince the soldiers that they were truly peaceful.

"Where did you come from? And what is this box you have brought?" The Doctor opened his mouth to speak but Allison interrupted him.

"We sort of lost our way. Oh this box?" Allison leaned her arm against the TARDIS casually. "We were just umm... transporting it to a friend and we went through here for a short cut and-" a cannon fires off in the distance followed by many gunshots. "-we found ourselves here." The man didn't seem to buy it but he didn't ask anymore questions.

"Well, let's get you guys off the battlefield. Here, follow us." He motioned for us to follow. "What are your names? Mine is Harrison." The Doctor was about to answer but Allison interrupted again.

"I'm Allison and this is umm...my dad! Yeah. You can call him the Doctor though." She smiled as Harrison continued walking.

"I asked your father. Why do you keep answering for him?" Allison gulped. The Doctor looked at her in the same way but he didn't speak.

"Well he's mute, you see. Can't say a word so unless you know sign language, you can't communicate so I speak for him." Harrison seemed to accept that answer but he was still suspicious.

After a couple of minutes Harrison turned around. "Here you guys go." There was a horse-drawn carriage waiting for them. "This will lead you to a place where you can stay for as long as you need to. Just be ready to move out if necessary."

Harrison started to walk away but Allison stopped him.

"What about the TAR- I mean the box?" Harrison turned around.

"We are going to confiscate your box for inspection. I'm going to be sending it to the General so that he can inspect it more." The Doctor's face was full of shock and confusion.

"Wait," Allison protested. "But we really need that box to our friend. It's urgent."

"I'm sure you will get it back very soon if the General approves of it. Anyway, I should be going. Sadly, wars don't win themselves. Safe travels."

Allison waved as the Doctor nodded his head. They climbed into the carriage.

"Doctor, can the driver hear us from here?" Allison wanted to talk but she was still afraid of what would happen if the Doctor spoke.

"No, he can't. So why couldn't I talk? I'm sure they would've loved me." He gave a goofy grin. Allison rolled her eyes.

"We are in the American Revolution. The Americans are fighting the British and you, Doctor, sound very British. I didn't want them to point any guns at you and accuse you of being a spy. I just want to pop in and out. Quickly would be nice."

Allison leaned back and put her feet up on the ledge that was in front of her. The Doctor just looked around like everything fascinated him. He softly chuckled.


A/N   Sorry for being late. I know it's only been a day but I like to be on schedule. I hope you liked it and I will post probably in a couple of days.

All Roads Lead To Home (DW fan fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora