What Is The Doctor Hiding? (Eleven)

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Allison and the Doctor sneaked through the stone hallways, trying to not make a sound even though no one was there besides them. The Doctor scanned their surroundings. He kept glancing at Allison, like he was observing her every move. Which he was. He was fascinated by her and why she couldn't remember. There had to be a reason right? He also wanted to know who she was before. Did he know her from Gallifrey? She seemed familiar but he couldn't seem to remember from where....

"Hey Doctor." He turned to Allison.

"Yes Allison? What is it?" She fiddled with the sleeve of her now dirty dress. She seemed uneasy, like she didn't want to say this.

"Doctor, after this adventure. I- I want take a little break from all...this." She gestured to their surroundings. The Doctor raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Allison looked at the ground.

"I mean I love going on adventures with you but I just want to take a break." (Run away with us for the summer lets go upstate!) She sighed. "What I'm trying to say is that I want to go home for a while. Maybe a few months but I just want to go home and see everybody." The Doctor didn't understand.

"What do you mean by home?" The Doctor thought he knew what she meant but he asked anyway. Maybe she would say something different.

"I mean I want to go back to Gallifrey."

Allison's POV

Why was he being so awkward about this? Did he not want me to go? I just want to see all my friends and family. That is, if I remembered them. I'm sure if I saw them, I would know. The Doctor kept looking at me, like he wanted to say something.

"Well, Allison. You see-oh look!" The Doctor pointed at the door. There were two guards at the door. They had the normal blue coat with white trim. They held muskets. I looked at our different options of escape. The Doctor looked around as well. He pulled out his sonic and pressed the button. Their weapons blew powder in their faces. He turned to me smugly. They turned and ran towards us. I ran towards them.

"Wait!" I knew they were weaponless. I knew the Doctor made the barrel explode. That's why the gunpowder exploded in their faces. I ran over and ran into one of them, my elbow sticking out. I hit him right in the gut. I turned around and smiled.

"Look out!" I turn around to the other soldier who was running at me with his gun. Why? He can't use it, surely he knows that. Then I remembered the musket had a bayonet attached. A bayonet is basically a really thin pointed metal rod. So he was running at me with a pointy metal stick. Yup. Not the best situation. I dropped down to the floor. The bayonet grazed my arm. I felt someone grab my arm. I look to see who it was and to my relief, it was the Doctor.

"You know I asked if you were good at running and you asked why?"

"Um yes?"

"Well this is one of those times. Come on!" He pulled my hand as we raced outside. There weren't as many guards as we expected but five is enough to be an issue. We were soon circled. The Doctor looked at me and we nodded, a silent conversation between us. I knew what he was going to do and he knew what I was going to do.

We both pulled out our sonics out at the same times and pressed the button. Gunpowder exploded in all their faces and a loud, high pitched noise rang through our ears. Being Time Lords, it didn't affect us. The Humans however, bent over and covered their ears. The Doctor pulled me along to what I presumed was Washington's tent. We barged in and went in the back. I threw back a curtain and saw the TARDIS' blue paint. I smiled. The Doctor was fumbling to find the key. I turned around and heard footsteps.

"Doctor, hurry up with that key." I said, panic lacing my voice.

"Aha!" he pulled out the key and put it in the keyhole. He turned it and opened the doors inward. (Despite the fact that police boxes should open outward.) We ran inside and I quickly closed the doors. I slid down in a sitting position and leaned my back against the doors. I felt the soldiers, who were chasing us, banging on the door.

"Don't worry. Those doors can hold anything. Nothing can get it." I already knew that but I just nodded instead.

"Doctor." He smiled at me with a childish grin.


"Can we just cruse a solar system or something? I just want to relax and umm. Talk, I guess." The Doctor's smile wavered but then it went away.

"Okay!" He went to the console and typed something in. I knew this cheery man in front of me was hiding something and I wanted to know it was. But how would I ask him? I didn't want to pressure him into telling me but I wanted to know. And especially about what he said in that store. What did I not know about Gallifrey? Well, I would soon find out.

A/N- Well that's another chapter. I don't know why I always add and author's note at the end even if I have nothing to really say. This is typical: when I say that I'm changing sexual to give me more time to write, I somehow write three chapters in one day. Typical. Anyways I hope you guys like my story! Please comment and leave any suggestions. Goodbye my little....uh let me think of a random word. Pineapples! (That is now the name for my fans. You guys are now pineapples)

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