The Truth About The Time War (27)

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After the terribly sad encounter with Amy and her heroic goodbye, the walk to the TARDIS was silent. No one said a word.

It was boring.

I know it was a sad moment for the Doctor but aren't you supposed to grieve for a little and then go back to how things were before while still remembering that happened? I know this sounds really mean of me but come on, seeing your best friend basically die in front of you and you can never see them again no matter how powerful you time machine is, can't be that bad.

Well when I put it that way....

"So Ali, your grounding was for two weeks yes?" I nodded, suddenly snapped out of thought.

"Um yeah. I think I was dropped off in 2016, London. I don't know anything else sorry." The Doctor shrugged and continued to walk towards the TARDIS.

Once we got inside the Doctor started the TARDIS. "I'm going to drop Bill off and then we'll get you home. Is that fine?"

I nodded. "Yeah, sure." I saw Bill put a comforting hand on the Doctor's shoulder and she smiled, like she somehow knew his pain and was trying to lighten the load on the Doctor.

After Bill left, everything seemed back to normal. Or as normal as traveling through time and space with the last of your kind on an alien planet got.

"Hey Doctor,"

"Yes?" I took a deep breath. This is the time to ask. I might not get an answer but it's worth a try.

"What ever happened to Gallifrey in the last moments? I tried asking you but you never answered. You would always change the subject so I want to know, to really know. Who destroyed our planet? Who stole the moment?" I looked at the Doctor, he had his lips pressed together tightly.

"So this is how."

"Excuse me?" I put my hands on my hips. I asked him a question and that was his answer?

"I remember when I went back to get you, you all of a sudden knew about Gallifrey and the final moments on the time war. I never knew how you found out and I understand now. I tell you here, right now." He looked off into the distance.

"And?" I raised an eyebrow. Was he going to tell me or what?

He slowly turned around, a solemn expression on his face. He looked in pain, not physically, but emotionally. I knew the destruction of Gallifrey was difficult and extremely sad but it looked like something more happened with the Doctor. Maybe his children died?

"The moment was the most powerful weapon in existence. It destroyed all of Gallifrey and burned everyone on that planet." He looked away. "Including my family." I walked over and placed a hand on his arm. I could relate, mostly. I knew everyone I cared about is dead but It must have been hard to be helpless while you watched you planet be destroyed.

"Someone broke in and stole the moment-"

"I know that part. I don't mean to be rude, but can we just skip to who stole the moment." The Doctor stopped, took a deep breath and continued. He stepped closer to me. He bent down to my level.

"The man went by many names but I know his real name." I eagerly waited. The Doctor went up to my ear and whispered a name. A very strange one but all my hatred suddenly went towards that man. The man who saughtered everyone on my home.

"That name sounds very familiar. Why would-"

"You must not say that name. Under any circumstances, never say that name."

"But why would he destroy Gallifrey? His home and people? Who could do that?" The Doctor sighed.

"I know, it is horrible. But the Daleks were-"

"Screw the Daleks!! This man killed everybody I knew and loved! I don't know how I got out but I wish I hadn't. I don't know how you live with this information. The truth. I hate that man! I hate him will every bone in my body! Did he die? Please say he did. I want him to pay for what he did by burning."

"Part of him did die that day." Suddenly there was a clanging sound. "Looks like we landed in London. It's time for you to go home." I started to walk out but the Doctor stopped me. He looked me straight in the eye.

"Be careful how you word these next moments." Then the TARDIS' doors closed.

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