Spoilers! (17)

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River: Hey! That's my catchphrase!

Me: I don't care. It's matches the chapter title so HA! Also I'm the author. I can do what I want.

I lead the way to where the human were being kept. I sort of wasn't talking to the Doctor. I was annoyed at him. It was the military's fault that got me almost dead and the Doctor wants to save them. I know I should but I can't help feeling upset. We walked into the room where the humans were being held. A guy, probably the leader, stood up.

"Doctor! Thank God you're here." The Doctor went up to the front of the room. He smiled as he rubbed his hands.

"Okay Humans, listen up! We're going to get out of here. There is a secret exit near here where no cybermen are. The only problem is that it's unstable. It's a risk that we'll have to be willing to take." There was a silence. The Doctor popped up. "Okay! Let's go!"

I walked over to Feliks. Now that he stood up, I could tell he was a head taller than me. He looked at me, worry in his eyes.

"What will happen if we escape? I don't have anywhere to go after this. My father left when I was little and my Mother passed a couple of years ago. My only friends were on this mission and they've already been....Uh chosen." Feliks looked away, pain in his eyes. I felt bad for him. There was nothing for him. Suddenly an idea came to me.

"Do you want to travel with us? We can go anywhere you like! I'll have to ask the Doctor but I'm sure he'll say yes." I leaned in. "Also it's a time machine." Feliks' eyes widened.


"Shh! Don't go telling everyone. Just you that's going." He gave me a lopsided grin. His eyes gleaming. Suddenly I heard the Doctor's voice.

"Okay! Is everyone ready to get out of here?" There were hasty nods around the room. Suddenly a woman with a captain's badge walked up. She had her hair in a messy bun. There were some obvious gray streaks.

"What about our friends who were taken before?" The Doctor looked her in the eye, his expression was glum.

"I'm sorry. There is no way to turn them back. They're gone." The lady seemed to accept this although she was upset. I would be to. She probably had a friend on this mission who was taken. "Okay! Let's escape!" The Doctor smiled to himself. "I love escaping."

Third Person POV

The Doctor lead the first group quietly through the unstable tunnels. It looked like it wasn't touched by cybermen so it hadn't been enhanced to take in any blows. It got the full blast force when the bombs dropped. The Doctor rushed the human out of an opening. It lead to a little cave where they could hide and wait for a ship to pick them up. The Doctor ran back where the rest of the humans were. There were only about five people left. Feliks couldn't help contain his smile. He was excited to travel with Allison and the Doctor. The Doctor was about to lead the other humans out when River grabbed his arm.

"Yes River?" River leaned in so she could whisper.

"Who is Allison?" The Doctor opened his mouth but then he remembered the message River told him before.

Be sure not to tell me until you're one hundred percent sure who she is.

The Doctor smiled. "Spoilers!" He smugly smiled. River gave him a look.

"That's what I say." River put her hand on her hip. "What gives you the right to say it?" The Doctor smiled. River rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but I expect an answer soon."

"I plan on it." River looked at him confused but then she put the pieces together. The time line is always tricky between them. The Doctor walked up the the last group of humans.

"Okay! So close. Let's go!" He started to walk towards the secret passageway.

Feliks and Allison took up the rear. Feliks wanted to know more. Allison had been answering many questions.

"So the machine is called the TARDIS?"

Allison sighed. "Yes. It means Time And Relative Dimension In Space. It looks like a police box." Feliks smiled. He couldn't contain his joy. Suddenly they heard creaking and groaning metal. There were gasps from everyone else.

"Don't worry. This tunnel if just a little unstable but that's fine." The Doctor explained. He started to walk again. There were whispers but the humans continues to walk. Suddenly the walls started to shake.

"Doctor the tunnel is collapsing!" River yelled.

"I can see that! Come on!" The Doctor started to run and the humans followed. Allison grabbed Feliks' hand and pulled him along. The exit started to crumble.

"Come on!" The Doctor lead the rest of the captives out of the unstable exit. The walls were collapsing. There was barely enough room. The Doctor and River ran out. The Doctor sighed, relieved he got everyone out.

"Um Doctor? Where's Allison and that kid?" River asked, looking around. The Doctor looked behind him, expecting to see Allison but she wasn't there. He ran back to the exit and saw Allison and Feliks avoiding falling obstacles.

"Allison! Come on!" He reached his hand out. Allison saw the Doctor and pulled Feliks to go faster. Feliks looked at Allison, wondering how she can run this fast.

"Doctor!" The tunnel's exit was collapsing in on itself.

Allison was running when debres fell in front of her causing her to trip and Feliks stumbled over her.

"Come on Feliks! Just a little farther!" Allison helped Feliks up and ran to the Doctor. The exit was barely two feet tall and still collapsing. Allison looked around.

"Doctor, we won't make it. I promise we'll find another way out." Allison smiled as the tunnel exit collapsed.

Allison turned to Feliks. "Well, I guess we're on our own."

All Roads Lead To Home (DW fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora