The Feels Are Real (Twelve)

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WARNING: Massive feels ahead. Viewer discretion advised. Read at your own risk

Allison's POV

"That was fun!" The Doctor said excitedly. I just dangled my feet out of the TARDIS. The force field was on so I didn't suffocate. I looked at the stars around us. I didn't want to ask the Doctor but I did at the same time. I fiddled with my vest. I had changed out of that dress since we came back. It was very difficult to do anything in it.

"Yeah." I sighed and looked down at my feet. "Hey Doctor?" I whispered, hoping he didn't hear me.

"Yes Allison?" He heard me. Well, here goes nothing. I got up and sat on one of the leather seats.

"You know when we were in the clothing store?" He nodded. He didn't say anything, like he wanted me to keep talking. "Well I heard what you were thinking. And I didn't hear the rest but." I looked him right in the eyes. "You said something about Gallifrey. And I didn't know something. What is it?" He looked around nervously.

" see Allison, uhh well-umm." He looked away.

"Doctor, how long ago was the Time War?" I thought maybe if I asked a simpler question, he would answer.

"Well the war itself lasted four hundred years." Wait, four hundred years!?

"Wait, so it lasted four hundred years. I was only fifty when it started. I remember the first one hundred years but that's it. So how long ago was it now?"

"It's been about two hundred years." So that mean I'm six hundred and fifty years old!

"So I'm older than I think I am. Wow, that's weird. I still feel one fifty. But I'm actually six hundred and fifty. Wow. Okay then." I took a deep breath.

"Well it looks like your body was preserved somehow, so you're age is yes, six hundred and fifty but your body is still one hundred and sixty years. If that makes any sense." I nod. It kind of did and I really don't want to talk any more about it.

"Anyway." I sighed and looked at my feet. "What I said earlier, about going home. I meant it. I'm sorry if you want me to stay. I mean, I'll come back but I just want to see all my friends. They must have missed me." I gave a smirk, trying to help with the awkward mood. He didn't say anything. His usual happy attitude was replaced with sadness. Something I hoped I'd never see.

"Doctor, what's wrong?"

"It's not that I don't want you to go, it's just that there might be a problem with that." I put my hand on his arm.

"I get if you're lonely and want me to stay but I just would feel bad if I did leave but you didn't want me to."

"Allison, it's not that. It's just."

"Doctor you can tell me. What happened in the Time War that was so bad?"

" do I put this?" I got really worried. What was so bad that he didn't want to tell me? "Gallifrey is gone."

No. This can't be happening. Gallifrey can't be gone. I backed up and grabbed the rail, steadying myself.

"N-no. No, that's not possible. Did the Daleks win? Did they kill everybody?" He sighed, shaking his head.

"No. The Daleks didn't win but they weren't the ones to kill everybody." I crossed my arms. I put a stern face on.

"You better explain. Now."

"The war lasted four hundred years. On the final day of the Time War, ten million Dalek ships surrounded Gallifrey and invaded the surface." I held back tears. I only was there for the first hundred years but I remembered the Daleks and how they killed without mercy. The Doctor walked up to me.

"Have you heard of the weapon that could destroy Gallifrey?"

"The Moment? The Galaxy Eater? I thought it was a myth." The Doctor shook his head, like just mentioning the name brought back terrible memories.

"Sadly, it was a very real weapon. On the final day of the Time War, a man stole that weapon. He was trying to stop Rassilon-"

"Wait. Rassilon? The hero?"

"He wasn't a hero. He planned to break the time lock, that they created to protect themselves, and escape the war. Breaking the time lock ment that he would let the war continue and everyone else to die. He was selfish and cruel. So this man, he stole the Moment and." The Doctor stopped, as if the pain was too much. "Gallifrey was destroyed." No. That can't be right. Gallifrey can't really be gone. I shook my head.

"That's a lie. You're lying. You are going to tell me in a minute that what you just said was a lie and that Gallifrey is still out there and my friends and family aren't dead. You're going to tell me that right now." My voice had force. I was on the brink of tears. I wanted that to be a lie. I needed it to be a lie.

"Allison, I'm so sorry."

"No. I'm going to prove right now that you're lying." I walked to the console and typed in Gallifrey's coordinates.


The Doctor didn't stop me. He didn't do anything. I felt the TARDIS stop and I swung the doors open. I saw nothing. Just space and stars. Two empty spaces stared at me. One was where our moon, Pazithi Gallifreya, should be. The other space was where Gallifrey was. I just stood there, staring into space.

It was really gone. He wasn't lying. My home, my family, the place I grew up. It was all gone. There was no trace that it even existed, like it was nothing. He was right. The Doctor was right.

I clenched my hands into fists. I felt my fingernails digging into my skin. The pain didn't help but I didn't stop.

"Allison....?" Tears streamed down my face.

Who could have done such a thing like this?!

"Doctor?" I didn't turn around. I kept staring into space, hoping that my home would come back.

"Yes Allison?" He didn't come close which was probably smart.

"How did you escape the war?"

"I wanted to die with my people. I honestly did, but the TARDIS had other plans. She saved me right at the last second. I saw my- our home burn." It must have been harder for him to actually watch the planet burn with his own eyes. I slowly walked over to him and put my head to his chest. I felt both arms engulf me in a hug. I didn't stop the tears that came next. There was no nice way to put this.

I cried.

I cried until I had no more tears.

I cried for what seemed like forever.

Suddenly the tears stopped. The sadness didn't as much as I would have liked. I just wanted the sadness to go away. I wanted to wake up and pretend this was all a nightmare and go home tomorrow. I would see my home and I would run through the red grass with my friends and we would laugh and forget all our worries. Sadly, I knew this was real.

"Whoever did this was horrible. I don't care how evil Rassilon was, who could kill that many innocent people? Women and children. Children! I just can't imagine how many children died that day-"

"Two point four seven billion."


"That's how many children that were on Gallifrey. Two point four seven billion." I didn't know how it was possible but more tears rolled down my cheek.

"How could anyone do this? Sacrifice that many lives? How can they live with that guilt? That much blood on their hands?" I felt a gentle hand on my back. I didn't look up. "Do you know who did this?" There was a short silence before the Doctor answered.


A/N- Yes, I am evil. I apologize for any feels that may have accrued. It is my fault but also not. I am sorry and I hope you guys like it. I will see you later my little pineapples!

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