Happy 54th Annual Year! (Not a real chapter)

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A/N-takes place before meeting Capaldi

Ali burst through the TARDIS doors. I was readjusting my bow tie when a loud bang went off.

"Ali! What was that?"

"Confetti. Duh" she rolled her eyes like it was obvious. "Although, the confetti didn't actually come out-" suddenly a burst of confetti flew up in her face. She spit some pieces out before continuing. "Yup, it worked."

"Ali, what is the meaning of this?" I put my hands on my hips. I always like a good celebrating, but she got the TARDIS all messy.

"It's the 54TH annual year of Doctor Who, obviously! It's first aired November 23, 1963." She said, pulling information out of her brain.

"What is Doctor Who?"

"It's what's happening in your life. You don't know it, but people have been filming you and broadcasting it all over the world! It's really popular! (Well less since Capaldi showed up. I don't know why though, he's good.)"

"If people are filming my life, then are they filming now?" I really didn't like the idea of people watching me. It's an invasion of privacy. Although, what's not to like?

"No, this isn't a part of the tv series. This is just a fan fiction. Totally different. This doesn't count to the main plot line." Ali waved it away like it was obvious. I still didn't understand.

I was about to ask more but then a sense of joy filled me. The joy of Doctor Who airing for 54 years. I suddenly felt the need to celebrate. I ripped off my bow tie and flung it around. I hollered with joy and did my signature dance move. I flailed my arms in the air.

"Yeah! That's the spirit Doctor!" Ali turned to the readers, a big grin in her face.


And with that they all lived happily ever after. (Until the next chapter is posted.)

A/N- this, obviously is a joke chapter. None of the events in this chapter are connected to the story line, I just really wanted to include it. Happy annual 54th year guys! Hope you Whovians have a fantastic day! (Puns)

Oh and happy thanksgiving to the people who celebrate it, I guess. (Doctor Who is more important and we all know it😉)

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