Isn't One Doctor Enough? (25)

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Suddenly the sky darkened. I looked up at the once sunny sky and found only the darkness of the night, with the occasional stars. There was no moon so the streets were lit up only with the lamps provided.

"Doctor, how did we just do that?" Bill asked, amazed. Her eyes scanned our new environment in curiosity.

"There is a time distortion here that made a small crack between time, not space. We are in the exact same place we were a minute ago. Now we're in 1938."

Suddenly I see a man walk out with two women, a red haired woman and someone who looks like River. Why would River be here? They ran out like they needed to get somewhere, fast. Then I suddenly recognize who the man was

It was the Doctor. My Doctor. With his silly bow tie and his childish grin. He was running with a red haired woman, a sense of urgency on her face.

"Doctor, who is that?" Bill whispered.

"It's me, but a different regeneration. A different face and personality." Bill looked confused but she didn't say anything.

I started to get up but the Doctor pulled me down. "We can't meet or alter the timeline. It would create a catastrophic event. Here, this time, is supposed to create a paradox. If we alter the events, even slightly, before this, it will drastically change the outcome of history." I just stared at him. All those words put together confused my brain.

"So go or not go?" The Doctor gave me the I-literally-just-said-that-look.

"No, we do not go. We wait here until Amy and Rory create a paradox. Then we will get Craig back home."

"Why can't we meet Amy and Rory? Like, catch them alone. They don't know your face. Unless you guys meet after this." The Doctor looked sad, like he missed an old friend.

"Alright. I guess we can catch them alone. Let's go." The Doctor stood up and started to walk. I put my arm in front of him.

"Let me do it. They might like me better." Started to walk. I heard the Doctor sigh but he didn't follow.

When I got in earshot of Any I tried to get her attention. "Amy! Hey Amy!" She turned around. I started waving my hands like the maniac I was.

"How do you know my name?" Her Scottish accent was strong. I always like a good scott. I puffed out my chest.

"My um, grandpa was friends with your dad. We just umm..."

"We just wanted to say hi." The Doctor walked up behind me. I glared at him for stealing my thunder.

"I've never hear my dad talk about you. What ur name? Maybe I could remember you."

"I'm Mr....Curry. Yeah."

"Next thing we know there's gonna be a talking bear," I mumbled under my breath.

"Sorry what?"

I crossed my arms. "Nothing." (Anyone get that reference?) Amy looked at us suspiciously for a second but then shook it off.

"It was nice meeting you Mr. Curry. I need to go find my husband. I'll talk to you later okay? Bye!" She ran off. I waved goodbye and looked at the Doctor. He had a sad look on his face.

"And I never thought I'd see her again. Yet here I am, she has no idea who I am. So this is what River felt in the library." He sighed. Then he turned around. "Craig, time to get you home! You better leave before Amy and Rory crest that paradox."

"Anything to get away from you crazy people." Then he turned and ran.

"I thought he liked our company," Bill said as Craig became a dot in the distance.

"No, no he didn't." Bill and the Doctor looked at me. "What!? I'm just telling the truth. Anyway, what do we do now?"

"Everything should reset in a minute." Then white dots started to appear in the sky. They started to grow bigger until they consumed my vision.

A/N- I hope you guys like this chapter. It was just revisiting an old companion. *tears up* We all miss you Amy. On a happier note: 120 VIEWS?! Guys that crazy. I know that doesn't sound like much but that means a lot to me and I can't thank you guys enough. Hope you had a great Doctor Who anniversary yesterday and I'll see you guys next week. Byeeeeee!

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