Amy's Final Goodbye (26)

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I bolted upright. Something was digging into my back, it was very uncomfortable. I looked around and saw tombstones lined in rows. It looked like we were in a cemetery. I looked and saw the Doctor and Bill laying down next to me.

"Hey, hey Doctor. Wake up." I poked his arm until he squirmed. He slowly got up and looked around.

"Why is it always this cemetery? Wait, oh! Get down." He nudged us back down. I looked in between the tombstones to see what was happening.

"Amy, look at this. Why does this tombstone have my name on it!?" It was a new voice. The new person was a man with a long nose and shaggy hair. I'm assuming that's Rory.

Suddenly Rory disappeared. A Weeping Angel was behind him. It must of touched him and sent him back in time.

I looked over at the Doctor (Scottish) to see how he was handling this. I'm guessing this was hard because he already experienced this. He had a blank expression on his face, but I knew he was struggling on the inside. My Doctor was standing there, he was frantically saying something to Amy.

"Melody, you be a good girl and you look after him. Can you do that?" River nodded and held Amy's hand. I'm guessing River's real name is Melody? "All I have to do is blink yeah?"

"No! Another paradox-"

"Would rip New York in half." River knew what Amy had to do to be with Rory.

"Goodbye Raggedy man." And with that, Any disappeared into thin air, just like Rory. I clamped a hand over my mouth to prevent me from gasping.

I looked to my left to see Bill resting a hand on the Doctor's shoulder. I knew she was trying to comfort him but I don't think this was an event you can fully recover from. I mean, the Doctor literally saw his best friend technically die right in front of him.

I turned back to see the younger Doctor, he was crying into his hands. I couldn't help feel sorry for him. Both the Doctor's I've met have already gone through this. Knowing this, I suddenly had more respect for the guy.

The Doctor next to me turned and looked at me and Bill. "Let's go back home, shall we?"

A/N- Okay. So I was writing this on my phone and it looked like a long chapter because it was stretched out so sorry this its short. I'll update next week though. I've just been busy and I promise I'll be updating consistently again. Goodbye my Precious Pineapples!

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