Who Wants To Stay In The TARDIS? It's Boring! (Thirteen)

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The Doctor held Allison, comforting her. He didn't tell her it was him that stole the Moment. He already knew how hard it was to deal with this information and he didn't want to add more stress. He also knew that is Allison knew it was him that destroyed Gallifrey, she would hate him. They stood there for a while, none of them said a word. Suddenly Allison just slowly and silently walked to her room. The Doctor didn't stop her. He knew she needed time to rest and process the information. He sat down on the seat and hummed to himself. He turned on the monitor and watched the empty space where his home once was. Suddenly the phone rang. He picked it up and answered energetically, like nothing happend.

"Hullo! It's the Doctor!" He waited for a response.

"Hello sweetie."


"I need a favor. (Whatever you say sir, Jefferson will pay for his behavior.) So as you know I was already pardoned but they called me in to do something for them. They asked for you as well. I'll send you the coordinates."

"Okay, is it okay if Allison came?"

"Allison? Who is that?" Then the Doctor figured that this River hasn't met Allison yet. He sighed.

"I'll explain later. Just send me the location and I'll be there soon." As he hung up, he heard the TARDIS' landing noise. He started the TARDIS. He figured Allison could just stay in the TARDIS while he and River solved whatever the problem was. The Doctor felt the TARDIS land. He fumbled around the main room until he found what he was looking for. He tore out a piece of paper and wrote a message for Allison. He put it on the console.

Going to do stuff. Stay in TARDIS. Be back soon.


River had just hung up from her conversation with the Doctor when she heard him come. She smiled and turned around so see her bow tie wearing husband. She smiled. The Doctor noticed army men around River. They eyed her suspiciously.

"Hullo River." He gave a small wave. She looked at the TARDIS, expecting someone else to come out.

"So who is this Allison? Is she your new companion?" River smiled.

"In a way." River raised an eyebrow. The Doctor was about to answer but then they were interrupted.

"Enough of this chit chat, we have work to do." He had a military uniform on. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. His name tag read Micah. He looked at River and the Doctor. "I've come here on a mission. Doctor, I need your help." The Doctor tilted his head to the side. He perked up.

"Okay! What happened here? I do love a good mystery."

"Doctor, a couple of weeks ago we sent an exploration ship to scout the area and possible colonize it. Turns out, it was already inhabited."

"Ooh! Who's here before the humans? This planet shouldn't have natives. Someone who beat the humans in colonizing."

"Doctor, this is no laughing matter. Our people were captured and now we need to get them back. We believe they're being kept in that building." He pointed to what looked like space ship but half of the walls had holes in it. It looked like a war had happened. The Doctor scanned the building. He started to get concerned.

"What is in there with your men?"

"Cybermen." The Doctor started to slowly back away.

"You know, I shouldn't really be here. I'll just go back to the TARDIS and grab Allison and go. I would love to help but I have to go." He started to walk back but Micah grabbed his arm.

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