💋 Chapter Fourty

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"Did you get what I'm asking for?" I asked Kate once I heard the door open. I put the pen down and looked up at her, holding a plastic bag. A smile came across my face. "Finally, thanks Kate."

She chuckled and placed the plastic bag on my desk which I just cleared. "Ugh I've been craving for this!" I exclaimed.

"You also had that yesterday Bey." She giggled and I just shrugged my shoulder.

"So? I was also craving for that yesterday."

She shook her head while chuckling. "I'll go ahead." She said and I thanked her once more. Once the door is closed, I did not waste time opening the plastic bag. What's inside? Popeyes as usual.
I was in the middle of working and eating at the same time when I heard the door busted open.

"Okay! I knew you're here! You gotta spill some tea to us bih cause you been gone long enough hunny! See Michelle? I told you she's here! Where's my $500?" Kelly said as she enters my office with that big mouth of hers. I actually yelped when she busted the door open, I almost drop my laptop.

"Fine damn!" Michelle groaned then grabbed her purse to get the money then handed it to Kelly.

"Ha! I'm always right!"

"Seriously y'all gotta stop betting on me." I rolled my eyes as I fixed my desk. "What are y'all doing here anyway?"

Kelly rolled her eyes and Chelle went to take her seat at the love seat. Kelly pointed at me and I looked at her with brows raised up. "You." She started. "Got a lot to tell us."

I shook my head. "I ain't telling no damn thing." I said then took a bite of my Popeyes chicken.

"Ooh! Popeyes!" Kelly suddenly changed her mood and grabbed one but before she does, I grabbed the box away from her. "You're so damn selfish!"

"What's up with her?" I looked at Chelle and she just shrugged at me.

"She haven't been taking her meds." She replied and we all busted into laughter.

"Anyways, first off, you canceled our every Thursday date that we usually do. Second, you never return our calls back and we're worried sick about you and you didn't even told us about your misca--"

"Kelly!" Chelle interrupted, standing up looking nervous mixed with concern. Kelly was cut off and finally realized what she was saying.

I couldn't believe what I'm hearing. She knew about my miscarriage? I could feel the tears forming up in my eyes and I just stared at both of them. That miscarriage hurts me so much and I don't want to bring it back up in my memory. It was the chance that I lost for being a mother. Kelly remained silent and Chelle was too. We didn't know what to say to each other.

"Bey, I didn't mean..." Kelly trailed off.

I shook my head and wiped the tears that were about to fall. "Get out."

"Bey, she just.."

"Get out while I'm still asking y'all nicely." I sternly told the both of them. I remained in my seat, not looking at them.

"I'm sorry BeyBey." I heard Kelly followed by the door closing.

Once the door was close, I closed my eyes and finally the tears fell. It was a long time ago and how dare she bring it back up. I know I shouldn't have go off like that but it's just, I got a lot to do and it's stressing me! I still have to finish this album; the finishing of each songs, the album covers, the promotion-even though I'm thinking not to put too much promotion for it, performances. It's just a lot! And I can't stop now. Hearing the miscarriage again, breaks my heart. It's like the one thing I can't do; bring a life to this world. Jay wants a family and I find it impossible for it to happen now. I want to be a mother as much as Jay wants to be a father. I want to be the one to have his child. I want to be the one changing our baby's diapers. I want to be the one to feed my baby but what if I miscarried again? What if I was never fertile?

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