💋 Chapter Eighteen

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A slap came across my face. A very hard one that my head flew to the side. I held my burning face and caressed it. It took a lot of me to stop myself from hurting her. She's still my sister.

"Shit." Jay mumbled and stepped in front of it. "Okay that's enough."

"Get the fuck out of my face!" Solange yelled and tried to move Jay but he didn't move. "What the fuck were you doing to my child?! I trusted you with him and now he's in a hospital?!"

I groaned and tried to sustain my composure and calmness. "I shouldn't have trusted your ass!"

"I said enough!" Jay yelled but Solange didn't bother to stop. She even hit Jay trying to prevent her from me. Mama tried to pull Solange but she ended up being pushed.

That was the last stroke. She pushed my mama, she can hurt anybody but not my mama. I pushed Jay aside and faced Solange.

"What the fuck is your problem?! I looked after him just like what you asked me to do! I did not do any fucking wrong! He's my nephew for God's sake!" I yelled and she was burning in fire and smoke were coming out from her nose and ears.

"I knew you couldn't handle a child!" She yelled and that hurts me a lot. But it hurts me a lot when she pushed our dear mother.

"You're out of your fucking mind Solange!" I exclaimed but gained my composure and tried to be calm. "I don't care what you say about me. Say whatever you want but pushing my mama, your mama is beyond borders. You've done enough for today Solange. I wouldn't dare to hurt you because you're still my sister and I swore not to hit any of my family but you're trying me Solange. Now I'll let you slip for slapping me because like what I said you're my sister, but next time you fucking hit me I'll throw my hands off at you. You're accusing me of something I did not do."

I took a glance of my mother who was already crying because of our fighting. I can see that she badly wanted to stop us but she was too weak, plues she's more worried at Julez than us.

Solange scoffed. "Yeah right. You think you're bigger now? Just because you're a big artist you can tell me what to do? Are you being like daddy now?" She laughed sarcastically. "You've always wanted to be that good girl who follows daddy to whatever he says and all that shit so you can get everything! You're like daddy! Who always wants money and fame! Y'all are famewhore and money suckers!"

My eyes widened. I didn't expect my sister would go off and tell me what she was feeling. But calling me a fame whore and money sucker?

"What do you know Solange?! You think you know a lot?! You think you know my sacrifices?! Of course you don't! So shut your fucking mouth up!"

Jay had heard enough and tried to calm me down but I yanked my arms away. I waited for Solange to talk but she already shut her mouth up. Good for her or else I might put a low blow at her which I didn't want to happen. I looked at her then Jay with glaring eyes and left the building to get some air because I badly needed one right now.
I don't know if Jay followed me outside but I can careless.

"Fuck.." I exclaimed and ran my fingers through my hair. My eyes were probably red and also my nose because now, I'm crying but I kept wiping those tears away but it's just keep coming.

Suddenly a flash of light flashed in front of my face and I was shocked. Then another flash taken. I was so stiff, I couldn't move because I didn't know what to do. I heard my name repeatedly, calling me and asking me some questions. I was just trying to cover my face but it didn't help. Somebody grabbed arm and yanked it away quickly because it was a random person.

"Beyoncé! Beyoncé!" I heard and I was just getting dizzy and dizzy because of the flash and my crying didn't help too. It just made it worst. I was now getting swarmed by cameras and fans trying to grab me or hold me. Then I heard someone's voice that's very familiar.

✔️Be With You || Beyoncé • Jay ZNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ