💋 Chapter Thirty Two

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"BB, what does this mean?" Julez came to me with a book on his hands and I looked down at him. He lifted up his hands and showed me the words.

"Raining cats and dogs." I read to him and he nodded. "Well that means it's raining very very hard." I said for him to easily understand it.

"If it's that simple, then why don't they just use the word 'very' instead?" Julez asked. I smiled at his six years old smart ass.

"If you get on a higher grade level, you will learn about Idioms in English." I explained.

"What does it means BB?"

"It means we use it with the same meaning but in a figurative meaning not in a literal meaning. For example, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, in its literal meaning it means you're born rich."

His mouth came to a shape of an O, which looks cute to him. "Thanks BB!" He said and kissed me on my cheeks then ran towards somewhere in the house.

I laughed at him while running. I wondered if I was able to have our baby, maybe we could have mini me or mini Jay running around the house. Speaking of, I haven't told him about it because I everytime I told him that I want to tell him something, he doesn't gives me any sign of interest on what I'm about to say. Jay has been acting so differently lately, I just hope everything is okay between us.

* * *

Like I said, I'm on a vacation. Maybe a year or two but it depends. I called Julius to pick me up and head to Jay's building. I'm not planning to tell him there because why would I open up to him in a public area? I just want to see him and see how's he doing. I usually call or text him whenever I plan to visit but today, I won't.

Entering his building, as usual, paps were all up in my business. Some of the employees greeted me with smiles and some of them did not, I don't know what's up with them. Anyways, I went il to his office and found out that he's not in his office so I went to the studio, assuming that he's might be there. I was right, he is in the studio but before I could open the door, I saw a girl and some of his crew. It was Rihanna. I met her weeks ago when Jay introduced them as his new artists and Rihanna seems to be the one who gets some credit than the others.

Jay was all smiles and I never saw him smile like that before. He sure does having fun in there but once he gets home, he's all tired and dull. I don't understand it. Rihanna came to him and they were talking about something that made them both laugh. To be honest I felt some type of way but it's whatever. I opened the door and I heard loud music playing in the background and Ty noticed me first.

"Bey!" I heard him but I kept my focus on Jay, he still haven't noticed me. Ty came to me and I smiled. "What's up?"

"Hi." I smiled and went to tap Jay's shoulder. Jay turned around to me with a smile and he looked at me confused, the Rihanna girl smiled at me and I gave back a fake smile because hers looks like one.


"Hey baby." I said kissing his cheeks.

"What you doing here?" He asked.

"Visiting." I smiled. "Can I excuse you for a minute?"

He nodded and looked at Rihanna and told her that he'll be back. She nodded and left us alone. I grabbed Jay's hand and pulled him out of the studio room.

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