💋 Chapter Thirty Eight

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"I already told you, Shawn. I'm leaving." She said as she packed her stuff inside the duffle bag.

Hearing her say 'leave' makes my stomach turn. "Baby... please." I approached her from her back, hugging her. "Don't."

She sighed. "Shawn, it's fucking too late. Let go." She said as she tried to yanked my arms away from her waist but that's not happening.

"I'm not gonna let you go." I told her and I turn her around then held her face. "Let's work this out baby. Please, just don't leave me."

"Shawn..." She breathed out.

"What can I do to be Jay again, Bey?" I asked looking deep into her eyes.

"Nothing. I'm tired, I'm tired of going back and forth with you. I think we need a break. The divorce papers will come soon." She said and I almost died.

I felt my eyes forming tears. I can't believe this is really happening. Years of being together and here we are, about to separate. She really is leaving me. The love of my life.

"Man, why are you here?" Kanye said once he opened the door at around two in the morning.

I looked at him with my puffy eyes. "She's leaving me man." I told him and he sighed. "She doesn't want me anymore."

Kanye shook his head and let me inside his house. We sat on his couch in his living room. "I told you man. You should've fixed it before it gets that far but yo ass ain't listening." He said and I rubbed my head with both of my arms. "She's been with you since and all she did was to give you love and support as your bestest friend and now as your wife and all you did was to go out, fuck other bitches as your repayment to her. You did her so wrong man. No wonder why she's divorcing you."

"I made a mistake man." I cried out.

"Yeah, a mistake that you keep repeating over and over again." He said and I just hated myself more. "What are you planning to do now?"

I thought about it. I never knew how much I love her when she told me she wanted a divorce. I'm in love with her but it was more than that, I love her with all my heart and I did her so wrong and now she's leaving me. I'm now feeling how she was feeling when I left her for nothing particularly. What was I doing? Now she doesn't want me anymore.

"I'll win her back." I told Kanye, looking at him and he nodded. "I know it will be hard but I'll win her back. I made a mistake and I'm going to correct all of it. I'm not gonna let this marriage end. I love her too much."

"You know Bey is from Houston right? It's gon be tough for you to do that but I wish you luck mane." Kanye responded and I nodded my head.

* * *

"So where do you plan to stay?" My mother asked.

"I love to stay there at Houston but I can't. I have a new project coming in so I have to stay in New York. I'll just stay at some hotels around here but has a high security. I don't need those paparazzi all up on my business." I explained as I typed on my laptop, e-mailing my lawyer about the divorce papers.

"You know the media will always be all up on your ass. If they see you alone they will start rumors about you two divorcing." She said and I just chuckled.

"Then let there be rumors. I don't care about it honestly." I rolled my eyes. I reread the letter about the divorce papers before sending it so I can rewrite or change some things.

"Beyoncé..." My mother started. The tone is very familiar to me, it means she's about to give me a very long speech. "I know this is your marriage and you're free to do whatever you want but are you really sure about this? I don't want you to regret the things you're about to do. Look, I've known and seen the two of you together and y'all in love. I really can't believe you two are separating. And this isn't you, Beyoncé, this isn't the Beyoncé I know. The Beyoncé I know wouldn't give up so easily on things. You used to stand up and fight for what's yours. What I'm saying is, think about it carefully and once you made your choice, hopefully you wouldn't regret it."

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