💋 Chapter Seven

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Jay 💸: Beeeeeeyyyyyyyy

Jay 💸: Baaaabeeeyy wakeee uppp

Jay 💸: Damn you fucking heavy sleeper.

I heard my phone ringing from the continous message notification. I groaned and then as I was about to get up, my phone rang. A phone call from Jay.

"Damn. What you fucking want?" I asked with attitude. The first thing you should not do is wake me up with a
phone call.

"Who pissed in yo food? It's morning and shit and you giving attitude already." He said as I rolled my eyes and get up from bed.

"Shut the fuck up. What the fuck you want?" I groaned while walking towards the bathroom. "Waking me up early shit."

Jay chuckled. "You at least cursed me five times in a time pan of five minutes." I tolled my eyes again. "Anyways, have you seen the BB100?"

I shook my head as if he could see me. "No. You know I don't look at them charts. Don't care who's first and who's out of the chart."

"Damn you really got that attitude?"

I laughed bitterly. "I didn't got that attitude. It's called being woke." I smirked. "What about the charts anyway?"

"Thought you didn't care?" Jay probably smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Boy bye."

He laughed. "Aight aight. Guess it."

"I don't play guessing games."

"Come on, just a try."

I sighed. "I guess.... you better fucking tell me or I'll fucking hung up on you." I said annoyed as fuck.

Jay chuckled. "Chill Bey. Just wanna tell you our song went no. 1."

My eyebrow rose in confusion. "What song? I don't remember a song."

"Nice one Bey." Jay chuckled. "Come on, get ready. We gon celebrate this!"

I shook my head. "No. No celebration for me. Congratulations in going no. 1 and I'm going back to sleep. Have a good day Shawn." I chuckled softly.

"Wow you ditching me again?" He joked.

I laughed. "No nigga. I just said I'm just going to sleep!"

"That was just a joke Bey." He said. "You just woke up!"

"Because you did! I'm supposed to be sleeping!" I yelled back.

"But you're ass supposed to be awake!"

"I decide to when I will wake up! Mind your own damn business!" I yelled getting annoyed.

Jay's chuckles were visible. This nigga likes to annoy the fuck outta me. "Why are you yelling at me?!"

"Because you started it!" I snapped back.

"No I didn't!" He refused.

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Fuck you Shawn." I sighed, getting angry at him.

"Ooh damn Bey, you getting freaky now huh? If you want feel free to come over at my crib. " He smirked. I am so over with this conversation.

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