💋 Chapter Thirty Five

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Well you can say there's progress and changes. A LOT of changes.

It's been months and I've been booking appointments one after another and there's been progress since. However, I am not yet 100% fertile yet but the doctor says the percentage and possibility of me being fertile has a high chance for that to happen. I've been following the doctor's prescription and recommendation and it also helped me a lot too, to relax, since I'm not doing anything work related.

I actually told Jay that I went to the doctors with my mom, he was upset at first that it wasn't him that I brought with but he let go of it eventually because no matter what, my mama will be there first. Jay was happy about me going to the doctors and knowing that there's a possibility of me being fertile. He has been helping me since, but we never lose intimate moments.

Jay and I have been sexually active these past few months, sometimes unprotected. It doesn't bothers me though since he already proposed to me. Yes, he did and I said yes to him. Our relationship is now stronger than ever. After the miscarriage and infertility thingy, I thought we'll fell down the hole but it actually helped us grow and be stronger for our relationship. The trip to Hawaii a year ago, helped us too, even though all we did was have sex all day and night. Good thing there weren't any paparazzi close to us that time because Jay and I requested to be far away from any land.

When and where did he proposed to me? It was his birthday and we were eating at some restaurant in Paris where he just bent down in one knee and pulled out a box with a ring on it and asked me to be his wife.

Jay proposing to me, Solange wasn't quite happy about it. She's supposed to be my number one supporter to cheer me and congratulate me but instead, gave me the silent treatment. I know she's being protective but that's too much. What I do, stays only for myself and I'll marry Jay if she likes it or not. On the other hand, both of our parents were happy for us and even threw a party for us. Jay and I wouldn't want to let the social media know about it so we kept our celebration lowkey at his penthouse and only special and trustworthy people are only invited.

Everyone congratulated us and wished us the best. I couldn't be more happy, knowing that I'll be someone else's wife before turning 30. I mean, my life isn't completely perfect but it's completely filled with love and support from the people I love.

After taking the vacation, I went back to work and worked on my third album, I am... Sasha Fierce. This album actually caused a lot of controversy about me being part of the illuminati shit and being possessed by demons. It's actually corny. They don't know the meaning of art though. However, those controversy or rumors about me didn't affect me, instead, that became my strength to put a piece of artwork in my album. Jay didn't have any features on it but he helped me with some of the lyrics and producing. It was around that time when he proposed to me.

"Baby..." I heard and turned to Jay who just woke up from his nap.

I smiled and looked at the ring that he put on my finger. "Hey baby... Did I wake you up?"

He shook his head. "No you didn't. Com here and gimme a kiss." He said.

"You better brush your teeth first cause we both know you got a dragon breath." I laughed.

He scoffed. "As if yours doesn't." He said and I just chuckled. "Besides, I'm gonna be your husband and you're gonna be my wife soon." He smirked, pulling me closer to him.

"So? You still have to brush your teeth." He smacked his lips as I giggled. "I'm just kidding baby, com here." Jay smiled and I kissed him in the lips. "But don't get used to it."

We both laughed. "It looks good on you," He said as he held my hand showing the ring. "It suits you. Not only you took my heart but you're about to take my last name."

"Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter... mhm, that sounds nice." I said, more to myself, imagining my name with his last name in it.

"It really does." He said in agreement.

We spend a minute or so just cuddling then I spoke up. "I actually have an interview about the album and I wouldn't want to let the people know about our engagement like we already talked about so I have to take off the ring, is that fine with you baby?" I asked as I looked up to him.

"Well if that's what you want to do, sure. It's fine though." Jay said and kissed my forehead.

"What if... we put some matching tattoos in our ring finger so even though we aren't wearing our rings, that still shows our love for each other. What do you think?"I smiled widely.

Jay thought about it then nodded, agreeing to what I just suggested. "Yeah that's cool. I'll make sure to call my people aight?" I nodded.

"Okay baby." I said.

"But what should we put in our tattoos?"

I thought about it for a minute. "How about our favorite numbers? They're both 4 right?" Jay nodded. "Then roman numeral 4 it is!" I exclaimed.

Jay smirked. "You sure with the tats? Those needles hurts, I don't need you to scream for my name when you already doing that in the bed."

I looked at him then smirked back. "It ain't my first time baby."


I nodded. " I was around in my teen years and I asked my dad for permission to let me get a tattoo for my birthday and he did. It was an angel and it was there for about two or three years on my hips but I had to take it off because I was starting my solo career and a tat wouldn't be a good image for me." I explained.

"Damn you bad." He chuckled.

"Isn't that why you're marrying me?" I smirked.

• • •

Yooo guys, I jumped lol. But anyways, this book is not yet going to end. We're still too far from the end. 😏 Actually, I was thinking to fast forward some things but we'll see.

Drop y'all opinions!

✔️Be With You || Beyoncé • Jay ZOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora