💋 Chapter Nineteen

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"Thank you. I enjoyed it!" I said. "Yeah! We should hang out sometimes! Oh God yes, I'll definitely guest again. Alright, bye Tyra." I smiled then hung up the phone call. My interview with Tyra just finished and I'm heading home now.

I shot my mother a text, asking her about Julez' condition now that he's out of the hospital. When we found out Julez' reason why he fainted, my mother almost went off at Solange but I stopped her. Julez fainted because of having low blood pressure and because of having lack of vitamins. According to the doctors, he must eat three times a day and have a good hygiene.

Queen 👑 : He's doing fine. Still looking for her mother. How are you doing? Saw your interview with Tyra.

Bey 🐝 : Kinda tired but I enjoyed the interview. Performing Déja Vu's very tiring 😂 But I'm fine mama. Solange haven't come home yet?

Queen 👑 : No she haven't and Julez has been crying for her for days now.

I sighed and went inside the house when I finally arrived. I didn't waste any time and jumped in my bed because I'm too tired and craving for sleep. My phone vibrated and two messages popped up.

Daddy 💦👅 : Hey baby, got home safe?

Queen 👑 : I don't know what to do with Solange. I just hope she's fine right now.

Seeing the two messages, I decided to shot Jay a text back then my mother. My man comes first.

Bey 🐝: Yes baby, I got home safe. ❤️

Bey 🐝: Solange can handle herself. She's a strong girl. She just need someone or something that can put her back to her senses.

I locked my phone because I really wanted to sleep but my phone rang and it was a Face Time from Jay. I didn't have the time to fix myself so I just answered it, showing my forehead.

"Wow, I can see the airport from here." He said.

"Shut up stupid, my forehead isn't that big." I said.

"Well your neck is long."

"Well you look like a fucking camel with big ass lips."

"Well you got big ears like dumbo."

"Did you call me so you can annoy me?" I rolled my eyes and Jay chuckled.

"Maybe." He said. "Were you about to sleep? I'm sorry, I shouldn 't have called."

I shook my head. "No baby, it's fine. I'm glad you called. Why don't you just come here instead of calling me? You know you got yo keys."

He sighed. "I'm at the studio right now, Bey."

I simply nodded. "Okay." I rolled my eyes.

Jay shook his head probably noticing the short reply I gave him. "How's Julez?" He asked changing he subject.

"Doing good, but his mother hasn't come home yet." I rubbed my temples.

"Don't stress it, maybe she just needs some time alone to think." Jay said.

I smiled. "You always try to make me calm and reassure me."

"I got them charms baby." Jay smirked then winked at me.

I heard the door bell rang and I'm sure it couldn't be Jay because he never rings the doorbell, plus he's at the studio right now. Mama is at home with Julez and they never mentioned to come over, unless they wanna surprise me or something. I looked at the clock and saw the time, it was already 5 in the afternoon.

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