💋 Chapter Thirteen

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I've been in the same position for the past ten hours and my crew and I haven't eaten yet - or any bathroom break at all. That's one of the circumstances when you work with me. Anyways, my eyes were feeling heavy, I've been here since 4 am, working nonstop.

"Aye B. You done recording Suga?" Jason asked and played the song for me. It's good but it's missing something.

"Let me add some backing vocals. We'll fixed it later." I told him and went inside the booth and sit on my stool.

Another hours came to four hours because of adding backing vocals for the songs I've recorded and most of them are just polishing like Back Up. It's one of my favorite but let's see if it's gonna make it to the album.

"Yo Bey." I heard Jean while he was doing something in his laptop, probably adding the background vocals I did just a minute ago.


"What if you try echoing the 'hey' part?" He asked and I envisioned it, hearing what it would sound like if I did it.

"Oh nice idea. Let me try it." I said going back to the booth again and guess what? Another hours of recording and polishing.

Jay texted me that he'll come by the studio and I told him to bring us food. Jay and I really cares about our crew so if we took a break, they took a break. I was in the middle of recording Kitty Kat when Jay entered the studio.

"You know I hate sleeping alone but you said that you would soon be ho-- stop." I told Jason when I saw Jay entered. "Let's take a break. 1 hour." I said then took my headphones off and left the booth. I was so excited to see him so I actually ran towards him and hugged him and ended it with a kiss on his lips.

"Damn ma, you miss me that much?" Jay chuckled and I just nodded. "I miss you too baby. I bought you Popeyes." He said as he lift the plastic with food in it.

I grabbed it and kissed him. "Okay thank you baby, you can go now." I smiled.

"I knew you were just using me. How could you?" Jay and I bursted out laughing.

"Come on JayJay, eat with me." I grabbed his hands and went to the small living room of the studio and placed all the foods. "Weren't you busy? I mean, don't you have any live performances to rehearse to?" I said as I prepared the foods.

"Well yeah but I rather see you than rehearse and I don't have to rehearse that much. It's more likely, go on stage then rap then done." He shrugged while explaining.

"But what if you missed your cue? You forget your lyrics? Or there's some technical problems?"

Jay laughed. "Baby you do know you're a performer right? You dance, you sing and you got your bands. Mine's different baby. I be just putting on a minus one and rap." He explained.

"You're right, I guess." I said realizing what he said. "But what--" Jay gave me the look. "Okay, nevermind." We chuckled and ate the food. After we exchange some few talks, Jay offered to help me with my songs and I agreed.

"What you recording when I came?" Jay asked as walked towards the booth, grabbing the papers where I wrote the lyrics for Kitty Kat.

"Kitty Kat." I said as I saw a smirk at his face. "It's not what you think it is Jay." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay," He chuckled putting up his hands. "Let me hear it then."

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