💋 Chapter Two

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As I predicted, traffic indeed prevented me. I was already fifteen minutes late since the party started at Kanye's house. I actually wanted to drive and go there by myself, but knowing myself, I didn't bother to do it and called Julius to call the driver and send me to Kanye's house then wait for me so that I can go home safely.

I looked outside and watched the world moving in the same direction as the car passes it by. The lights of New York City never failed me and that's one of the reasons why I love it here. I have tried everything to be part of New York and be called a 'New Yorker'. I even rode the train because I feel like to be like one, you need to undergo how New Yorkers does it. It was a struggle since I am known all over the world, it's hard to live like normal so a lot of security guards were with me. Especially Julius, he had never left my side and held me like someone's tryna grab me and kidnap me. I was thankful for him actually, he had been the best bodyguard since.

Speaking of him, I remembered the joke I told my mom. Lovelife is still out of the picture for me. I'm still focusing on my career but I'm actually ready to be desired by one man, but I don't mind being desired by all. I guess y'all wondering when was my last relationship and when I had sex with a man. My last relationship did not go so well. I was with this man for about three whole years and in that two years he cheated on me for like- he was even counting when I asked him. I wasn't actually hurt when he finally admitted it to me because I have seen him a lot around the city with some basic ass hoes. He comes home late and drunk then he would give his attention to his phone even though I was there, he never gave me attention anyway. When did he admitted it? When I saw him and one of his hoes fucking IN MY FUCKING HOUSE and IN MY FUCKING BED. But I was actually enjoying watching them until he noticed me, he was telling me that he love me and shit but I wasn't having it. I told him to leave and when he did, I burned all the things he had and all I bought for him? I sent it for donations. I'm that generous bitch. I bought a new bed and told one of my crew to clean my whole house because who knows where they fucked while I was gone?

So now I'm just settling for myself and I'm enjoying single life because we all know it ain't easy having someone in your life then y'all haven a petty argument for some irrelevant shit and that's stressing.

"Ms. Knowles, we're here." Julius said when he turned to me and I smiled at him. "Are we going to enter the front door or the back door?" He always asked me when my answer is always front. Not because I want exposure just because it is easier and nearer but the paparazzis where the only ones who's making it harder.

"When will you ever going to call me Bey, Julius?" I whined. "Front door it is." He just cracked a smile then hopped off the car to open my door. Once I did got off the van, a flash just got into my face and I squinted my eyes a little because it was right in front of my eyes. I was kind of used to the cameras but this one is just few inches away from me. I just smiled my way through like I always do.

"Back up! Give her some space!" Julius yelled and all of them were screaming my name like crazy. One guy tried to come to me and Julius quickly pushed him away before the guy even get to me, that's why Julius is the best. He already know what to do.

I safely arrived at Kanye's house and there were only a few people invited because Kanye's also a private person. I entered the venue and everyone literally looked at me, some with a welcoming smile and some with green-eyed monsters. I just gave everyone a smile and greet them back as they greeted me. Julius was always following me but he's away from me, making sure nothing happens. I looked for Kanye but he is nowhere to be found so I just went to the bar and sit on the stool, asking for a d'usse.

"Can I have some d'usse please?" I asked the bartender. He was surprised to see me and I gave him a reassuring smile. "C'mon I don't bite." I chuckled and he just nodded and went on to prepare my drink. I pulled out my phone, lurking in my twitter account waiting for it when I felt someone sit at one stool after me.

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