Sleepy mornings

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EDIT: Hi guys! There was a problem with the chapter, and it didn't want to add the title that I had chosen. So I had to re-publish it again, sorry for the mess:/

A buzzing sound from somewhere, made your eyes slowly flutter open. Only to be shut closed again as you snuggled your face deeper into the soft pillow, in a desperate way of escaping the annoying sound. But the buzzing sound didn't stop, instead it kept going. An annoyed groan could be heard from you, as you reached out a hand to grab your phone which was laying on the bed side table, and were also the source of the disturbing noice that interrupted your precious sleep. You peered with tired eyes on the well lit up screen, seeing a familiar name on it. Seokjin.

"Shit!" you exclaimed, contemplating if you were gonna pick up the call or not. Staring at the screen and then you threw a glance over your shoulder, where you only spotted some mint green hair sticking up. The rest of the owners face, were burried into the crook of your neck, his relaxed hot breath tickling your skin. And his hands were securily wrapped around your waist, feeling his warm chest pressing against your bare back, reminding you about that you were both enitierly naked.

A slight hint of blush began to bloom on your cheeks as you recalled memories from last night, it also brought a cheeky smile to your lips. But your phone's buzzing woke you up from your daydream, once again the name Seokjin appeared on the screen. You had no idea on what you could say to him if you picked up. 'Hi, yes if you wonder where I am, I borrowed your car keys without asking. And drove in the middle of the night to find Yoongi, oh and we had sex too.' You could only imagine Seokjin's surprised face if he got notice of everything that had happened. But then a wave of guilt rinsed over you, how could you just leave the house like that without leaving any kind of clue on where you had gone? So you swiped right and pressed the phone against your ear, and said as calmly as you could.

"Hi Seokjinnie!"

At first there were only silence on the other side of the line, but then it all came at once.

"DON'T YOU SEOKJINNIE ME YOUNG LADY, WHERE ARE YOU?! I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK, I EVEN THINK I GREW A GRAY HAIR OF ALL THE STRESS. A GREY HAIR!!" a loud male voice yelled from the phone, making you flinch back, holding the phone a bit away from your ear to avoid going entirely deaf.

The loud yelling had disturbed not only you, but also the man sleeping with his head below your ear. Letting out an annoyed groan coming from your shoulder, the mint green haired man snuggled his face further into your shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but I can exp-" you said with a small voice, trying to somehow get to the yelling man on the other side.


Before you had any chance to reply, your phone was snatched out of your hand harshly. In the next second the man behind you had let go of you, and were now sitting up with your phone against his ear.

"Hyung, Hyung, HYUNG LISTEN UP FOR GODS SAKE!!!" he tried calmly but then began yelling since he didn't seem to reach through to the other man. "Y/n is with me, and we're both fine. There's no need to worry, okay? No I don't know when we will be back. Soon, yeah yeah sorry about that. I'm gonna call you later, bye. No I said bye hyung!" with a deep sigh he hung up and silence once again filled the room.

Glancing nervously over at him, you chew the inside of you mouth. But Yoongi only gave back your phone and then laid back down, pulling the covers up to his ears so that you only could see his closed eyes. Not sure on what to do, you thought of getting up and perhaps start with the breakfast. It was just that you seemed to have forgotten about the fact that you wasn't wearing anything at that moment, because as you got up you heard a raspy deep voice behind you.

"What a great view to start off the day with."

You spinned around a saw a now fully awake Yoongi looking at you, even though you couldn't see his mouth you could still tell that he was smirking.

"I thought you had gone back to sleep." you said grumpily at him and tried cover up yourself with your hands, suddenly feeling a bit shy in front of his staring eyes that seemed to scan your body from top to toe.

"Oh I was, I were just enjoying the beautiful view first. And why are you covering yourself up like that? It's not like I haven't seen all of it already." he said now half sitting up while resting his head on his hand for support. The covers slipping down a bit, exposing his shoulders and a bit of his torso.

You grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"Yah! You pervert!" you said only half heartedly.

Yoongi stretched out his arms wide at you, showing off his best pout. Fluttering innocently with his eyelashes.

"Come here y/n-ah, I need my cuddle buddy back or I will freeze to death!" he yelled dramatically.

You sighed and shook your head, why was he like this? But still thought he looked so cute and dorky in the same time, so you went back down in the bed again and crawled up to Yoongi. As soon as you came near, he swept the covers over you and him and wrapped his arms around you, smiling triumphingly with his gums on full display.

"I got you!" he said cutely and nuzzled his nose into your hair, clinging onto you as koala baby. What was up with him today? Whatever it was, you liked it. It was a new side of Yoongi that you hadn't really seen that much of earlier.

"You're such a drama queen, what am I gonna do with you?" you chuckled and gently stroke your fingers through his soft hair, playing with it.

Yoongi raised his head to look at you, his eyes darted down to your lips. Staring at them for a bit, and stroking it with his thumb gently.

"I might have something in mind." he said and gently placed his soft lips on top of yours, giving you a sweet loving kiss,

Guess that breakfast could wait a little longer, right?


A/N: Wow two chapters in only the spawn of two days?! Haha I thought I could surprise you all with a cute little fluffy chapter, I hope you liked it!:D Oh and did you all have great christmas btw? Also I won't be updating more on this story during this year, so I guess I see you again in 2018! Have a great new year everybody, and be safe. You never know what can happen, love ya guys!!<3

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