Drunk Kisses

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Gone, just like that. Without even giving a last glance back at you. A strange silence fell over the room, where now only the seven of you stood. No one said anything, just like they hadn't really realized what just had happened. In fact, you wasn't even sure on what just happened. Just some moments ago everything had been just fine, and then i the next second everything had just turned into total mess.

You just stared at the now closed door, tears were threatening to fall. Then you felt a hand on your shoulder, and turned around to see Jimin's face. He looked at you with concern and seriousness, his full lips were slightly open just like he wanted to say something but wasn't really able to get out the words. But in that moment you just didn't want to talk to anyone, you just felt like you wanted to be alone. Tears fell down your cheeks as your bottom lip started to shiver, and you gently pushed off Jimin's hand from your shoulder. 

"I'm sorry, but I think I need some time for myself." then you walked past him and the others, and headed upstairs and locked yourself into the room that you and Yoongi shared. You threw yourself onto the bed and curled up into a ball, with your knees close to your face. How did this happen? Did you go to far? You hadn't really wanted him to leave, not really. But in the same time, he had been the one who started the fight. And he didn't even have a good reason either. Jimin was your best friend, and if your boyfriend was too jealous to see that, then you had all rights to be mad right? 

Thoughts were spinning around in your head while you were still crying silently, eventually it made your head feel more and more dizzy and made you fall into a worried sleep. 


The next day went by, and still no Yoongi. It worried you, where could he be? What if he were hurt somewhere, just the thought of it made you shiver. You had tried to text him, even tried calling him but with no success. He hadn't even read your messages, and it hurt. This just made you even more worried. It was like he had been entirely erased from the surface of Earth, and left  absolutely no kind of trace after him. Where the hell could that man be?

The others had been trying to keep calm, since they didn't want to worry you even more. But you still noticed it, their worry surrounded them as an aura. 

"He will come back, don't worry it's Yoongi who we are talking about here. He can manage on his own, that man is a surviver." Namjoon said as he patted your shoulder for perhaps the eight time. He had been trying to cheer you up during the past 20 minutes, but unfortunately his words didn't really wanna go into your brain and convince you that ot was true. That Yoongi was okay, and that he would come back.  

"I know he is, he must be one of the most stubbornest people that I have ever met." you chuckled quietly, "It's just that I don't like that we got separated when we were mad at each other. I feel guilty in some way, but then I also don't. I mean it was he who were being jealous, not me." you continued and crossed your arms across your chest. Namjoon looked at you and sighed

"Yoongi hyung does have a tendency to get jealous sometimes, but he usually don't go this far. He has never left before, but like I said. I think it's just a matter of time before he will be back, and then he will hopefully have the guts to apologize for his behavior." he said and stood up from the bed. 

"I hope you're right Joonie, I just miss him."

"And that's totally fine, now try get some sleep will you. It's getting pretty late." he said and smiled towards you. You nodded and stood up and embraced him into a tight hug, he patted your back calmly. 

"Thanks for trying Joonie, I appreciate it." you whispered into his shoulder. The sound of his soft chuckle, revealed that he were smiling. 

"No worries y/n, I'm always there if you need it. You know that." then he let go off you and left the room. On his way out he bumped into Jimin, who had been standing outside of your door. His eyes was slightly glassy and he were surrounded by a weird smell. He caught Namjoon by surprise, when he came out of the room. 

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