Inbox: 1 new message

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y/n = your name

It was a usual friday evening in Seoul, and you were laying in your bed with your laptop on top of your stomach. This was usually were you could be found, you weren't really the extroverted outgoing person. So you usually spent your time indoors, and especially in your room.

You had lived in Korea for about a year now, originally you were from England. After you had graduated high school, you had fulfilled your teenage dream and moved to South Korea to attend a university that you had applied for. They had approved your application, and you had moved to the land of your dreams. The language had been kind of a barrier at first, since you had arrived with just some basic knowledge about the language. But pretty soon you had got a hang of it, and now you could speak it fluently.

You had your earphones plugged into your laptop, and music were blasting out of it. You were watching a music video that you had watched way too many times than you could even remember, you were quietly singing along to the familiar tunes from the song. It was BTS, your favorite Kpop group. You had been a huge fan of them since about three years back, they were truly fantastic. Unfortunately you had never been able to see them live. It was one of your biggest dreams to go to one of their concerts and be able to meet them at a fan signing, but since you weren't exactly rich you had started to lose hope. Plus that they never did fan signings more than in Korea, but when you had got the letter from the University that you applied to. And it said that you had been accepted, you had literally jumped up and down for about and hour. This meant that you not only got accepted to the University, but also that you were going to live in South Korea. Were BTS lived! This had revived your hope on maybe meeting them, but when you had looked up the prices for the VIP tickets your hope had pretty quickly sunken to the bottom once again. They were way too expensive for you. So you had started to give up the hope on meeting them, until one day for about a month ago.

You had been scrolling through your social medias, when suddenly something had popped up that had caught your eye. It was from BTS's official twitter account, and it had said "Win a chance to meet BTS + a VIP ticket to one of their concerts". You had immediately clicked on the link in the tweet and read about the contest. You had to write your name, last name, your address and your email address, and then one lucky winner would be randomly chosen in the end of the month. You had filled in the form and clicked "confirm", surely you wouldn't win. Thousands of fans would apply for the contest, and there could only be one winner. What was the chance of you winning, like 1% out of 100.

(back to reality)

While you still were laying in your bed, now watching Try Not To Laugh (BTS edition). You got a notification on your phone, so you paused the video and unlocked your phone. You had received a new email, so you checked your inbox and your jaw almost dropped when you saw who the sender was. It was from BigHit. You could barely control yourself as you clicked on the email and read what it said.

Hello y/n!

I'm contacting you because you participated in our latest contest about a chance to win a meeting with BTS and a free concert ticket to one of their shows . And I'm happy to announce that you're the lucky winner of that contest, congratulations! The meeting with the band, will take place at their next concert in your city. You will attend the stadium 5 hours before the show starts, to meet the band. Afterwards you will be given a VIP ticket for their concert later that day. We suggests that you show up this email to the staff when you arrive, as they will give you a backstage pass.

We thank you for participating in our contest, and once again congratulations on winning!


(first name) (last name), BigHit Entertainment, Manager of BTS, (address) South Korea.

When you had finished reading the letter, you just stared up at the ceiling. You didn't know what you should do, was this really happening? No it couldn't, not with you. Things like this never happens to you, you have always been a person that never wins anything. Someone who was called weird in school for liking Kpop, you weren't someone who won contests were you got a chance to meet your biggest idols. You pinched yourself in the arm to wake yourself up from this dream, because it must be a dream right? But nothing happened, well more than you now felt pain in your arm after pinching yourself. You updated the page, and the mail was still there. You even restarted your laptop and checked your inbox, but it was still there.

You were actually going to meet BTS.


That was the first chapter, I really hope you liked it. I will try to finish the next chapter as soon as possible:) Until then, see you later! *gives you a 3$ chain*

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